“Ziggo announces slight price increases to”


Kabelaar Ziggo increases on march 1, the prices of the different services. That has the provider published. Especially the packages with tv and internet but without telephony to rise in price. At the same time, some additional station packages cheap.

The rates of the all-in-1 packages increase on march 1, each with a euro, the lowest package 45,95 euros per month, while that for 44,95 euro. Tv+internet packages, which telephony is not included, rise harder in price, namely with 2,55 euro. So is the cheapest package 42,50, where it is now 39,95. The most expensive package, with a download speed of 180Mbit/s, is 62,50 euros per month, where that 59,95. Also SamenCompleet and GewoonGoed rise slightly in price.

At the same time reduces the prices of different additional station packages. Costs HBO, Film1 and Sport1 will be a half euro less per month: 14,95 euro, while that still 15,50 euros per month. The standard package is, however, fifty cents more expensive, while the package with Turkish channels and a euro goes up. In contrast, the Hindi package 1.55 euro cheaper and the Gay Lifestyle package 55 cents.

The rates for telephony increase: Telephony Z1 is 1.55 euro more expensive and costs will 11,50 euro per month. Also the prices of the unlimited call packages to increase with a euro. Those who don’t have an unlimited call package,, pay only a few cents more per minute. Also the set up fee is rising by a few cents.

According to Ziggo, the price increases are necessary because the costs of investment are increased. “A part of these higher costs we charge to our subscribers,” said the telecom provider. Who does not agree, you can subscribe by march 1, terminate.

When the Belgian telecom provider Telenet recently, prices increased, vomiting huge protests. A petition against the increases was to 120,000 times subscribed.

PakketHuidig tariefNieuw rate

All-in-1 Basis
€ 44,95
€ 45,95

All-in-1 Plus
€ 54,95
€ 55,95

All-in-1 Extra
€ 64,95
€ 65,95

TV + Internet Z1
€ 39,95
€ 42,50

TV + Internet Z2
€ 49,95
€ 52,50

TV + Internet Z3
€ 59,95
€ 62,50

€ 49,95
€ 52,50

€ 64,90
€ 66,90

€ 44,95
€ 45,95