“AMD demonstrates laptop with Carrizo-apu”


AMD is demonstrating at CES a laptop with a Carrizo-apu. The-up chip designer showed, among other things, that a system with the apu is capable of 4k video on the basis of the h265 codec smooth to play.

In addition to the laptop there were more systems with Carrizo chips from AMD, claims Anandtech. The site should not take photos but managed to get pictures of the referentielaptop. The laptop had not yet have support for Dual Graphics, but next versions should have a dedicated gpu besides the apu. More details about the laptop and other systems are not there yet, but demonstrated to AMD the apu the processing of h265 video without framedrops can handle, where an Intel system here trouble would have.

Next to more graphical processing power in the form of a new Graphics Core Next gpu, which provides support to both Mantle as DirectX 12, the Carrizo-apu’s have better battery life than the current Kaveri chips for laptops. Carrizo-apus feature Excavator cores and are on the high-end focused, while Carrizo L based on Puma+cores is designed and the mainstream – and instapmarkt needs to operate. Both chips fit, however, on the same motherboards, which manufacturers more flexibility to give the choice for apus. Laptops with the chips must be in the first half of 2015, appear, had an AMD spokesperson at PC World know.