Super Bowl: Where the man is still a Cowboy may



Super Bowl: Where the man is still a Cowboy may

The fascination for the Super Bowl is for Americans continues unabated. It is a huge business and a huge Gaudi. For our correspondent Gero Locking is not necessarily comprehensible.

So where are they running? This the Germans so familiar question I’m going to probably again on Sunday, if I’m with friends for Super Bowl Party meet. This time it’s only a small circle, not a whole Horde of men in a loud, aufgeheizter mood of Chickenwings and beer, as millions of Americans make. While I have not understood what the Super Bowl is so exciting. And certainly not how to make as much money. But even my American friends here in Washington are not all in the Super-Bowl fever. One of them is demonstratively travel and the Super Bowl rituals out of the way. Another said to me after our Saturday morning run, he’s only just noticed that the Super Bowl weekend. And in spite of fierce Medienberieselung, in a rising curve slowly but surely the Wahlkampfberichterstattung pushes.

Jostling and Ballkämpfe

We consider it quite soberly: 22 young men chasing armed at a eierförmigen Ball afterwards, they usually do not shoot, but throw and – if it goes well – after a lot of wrangling back field. But really do not want a flow of traffic. Because to be repeated to the guys from the referee stopped. There are Abstöße, jostling, Ballkämpfe. Nothing for sensitive minds. At some point then let the Party People the Hühnchenschenkel out of Hand fast, tear the hands up and emit cries of joy. This is a sign for me that one of the two teams the Ball is finally passed and points made. Many say Yes, that you are the awesome-made commercials in the breaks run, much more exciting find. Or the Pausenshow, in this year of the Band “Coldplay” is contested. In any case opens up to me more than the moves on the lawn.

US correspondent Gero Locking

I have in three years USA the rules are still not understood, although it is at the Super-Bowl-parties patient spirits gave, tirelessly tried. At the end, I have then exhausted from so much rules – set, that I now knew all, and in Quiet thought: Just no more questions.

Fake Fans

It is reassuring that apparently many Americans do not quite know, although American Football with the breast milk absorbed would be. It is even assumed, that more than thought of as Fake-Fans to spend, to not even of social exclusion. The “Time”magazine was now time for the Football summit, the Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers a Überlebenskit for the Ignorant. Under the Heading of “9 Super-Bowl-facts that you, as a Footballkenner sound” gets you valuable tips to make up for upcoming conversations to prepare. One learns, for example, that the Denver Broncos true Looser, and are not a Football Team to more Super Bowls has lost as you. Perhaps’s also remember, that – a for more Information of “Time” – the 39jahre old Quarterback for the Broncos, Peyton Manning, the oldest Quarterback in Super Bowl history.

This is a Quarterback: Peyton Manning (in the orange shirt)

“We can do this!”

Oh, Yes, what is a Quarterback? This is something like a mixture of captain and Libero. You can also tell he has a similar role as the German Chancellor. He organized the work of his teammates and encourages them with phrases such as: “We can do this!”

Bigger, more beautiful, next

In any case, Americans have Fallen in this large spectacle. Maybe the Yes with a sort of American delusions of grandeur together, to many things.

Everything must be great and beautiful to be in America. Great and more beautiful than anywhere else in the world. The country with the greatest economic power, the strongest military, the hottest high-tech companies and the most elaborate film productions. This is the “American exceptionalism” – the uniqueness, but in times of perceived decline, less and less believe.

The Super Bowl is this scepticism is excluded. The fascination seems to be, for many, continues unabated, even if in this year with the presidential election campaign, a other Up-event the Super-Bowl nod competitors are doing.

And if I’m honest: Also, I can have this fascination does not quite escape. I feel this energy on the field. The energy of a group Männergemeinschaft, as you may just in College, in the Sauna or on the field can emerge. Yes, there is also something of wildness and freedom, when the men with great bodies and hard fights. 100-pound giant crack there in the full barrel into your opponent into it and put your health at risk. The Super Bowl: one of the last places of refuge for free men, that your strength to want to live. Where the man is still a Cowboy.