Number of earthquake victims in Taiwan rises



Number of earthquake victims in Taiwan rises

Rescue workers after the earthquake in Taiwan still Survivors under the rubble of a collapsed high-rise building located. Helpers are trying to penetrate. But also more corpses to be found.

Rescue teams search through the rubble of a building for Survivors

After the heavy earthquake in Taiwan, the number of in the ruins of found fatalities increased to 23. About 130 people, according to a officials of the especially strongly affected metropolis of Tainan still missing.

Pfusch am Bau?

Tainans mayor Lai Ching-te said, with a special device were at least 29 Survivors in a fallen high-rise building located. The authorities have the suspicion that Botched construction, the cause of this could have been why the 16-storey building, the earthquake has not held.

More than 2000 soldiers and firefighters are on the search for other Survivors in use. Several high-rise buildings collapsed in the quake, in whole or in part.

A woman is alive from the rubble pulled

Taiwanese Agency reports, according to the tremor of the strength of 6.4 in the night on Saturday almost 500 people injured. The operator of the Schnellbahnzüge on the island gave known that the train service will soon be resumed. The earth tremors had also the power lines of the railway is interrupted.

se/ago/haz (rtre, ape, afp)