Doubling rates E-mail only-abo’s KPN arouses anger


KPN customers with an E-mail only or E-mail only Plus subscription, complain bitterly about a substantial price increase of these subscriptions, which has a different name. KPN says however, a ‘suitable alternative’ to offer.

Currently pay customers with an E-mail only or E-mail only Plus subscription at KPN, respectively, 1,89 and 2,95 euro per month, the Plus version several mailboxes. Often, customers who have an ‘old’ e-mail address, such as or, want to keep. KPN has, however, recently an e-mail will be sent which announces to stop with the subscriptions E-mail only and E-mail only Plus.

KPN says in the same e-mail a ‘suitable alternative’ to have for the two package types: KPN E-mail Only Basis and KPN’s E-mail Only Extra. In addition, the wholesale customer, the prices are sometimes more than doubled. So KPN’s E-mail Only Basis 3,50 euro per month costs, while the Additional variant, even at 7 euros per month.

According to the carrier ‘will change for you nothing: your e-mail address, password, and computer settings remain the same’, already gives KPN customers by the price changes have the right to their subscription in the interim. Customers complain on forums as a Cashier, however, stone and bone about the ‘unfair’ price increases, which, in fact, only a change of name will take effect and the rates are sometimes more than double. In addition expire upon any termination of the e-mail address that has for years been used and is thus permanently lost.

KPN spokesman Steve Hufton argues against the isp of eleven different E-mail only packages in the market and this number for administrative reasons wants to reduce: “We are going to our products simplify.” Hufton recognises that some customers have to deal with a hefty price increase. “Some people will have something more to lose, others will pay less, but below the line we keep nothing about.”