Clinton attacked Sanders in TV debate



Clinton attacked Sanders in TV debate

After her razor-thin victory in front of Bernie Sanders in the primaries in Iowa is Hillary Clinton under pressure. Now were the two democratic presidential candidates in a TV duel.

In the TV debate of the two democratic Präsidentschaftskandidatin turned Hillary Clinton into attack mode. You threw your left-wing rivals Bernie Sanders is an unrealistic policy. In Sanders’ claims “the bill is simply not on,” said Clinton in the debate. As the Senator was also a “progressive” politician, but they could do things.

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Sanders dismissed the criticism back. His proposals, such as the abolition of tuition fees at state universities will he a tax on financial speculation to pay. “The middle class has Wall Street been rescued, when they needed help. Now it is the time that the Wall Street of the middle class helps,” he said.

Clinton accuses Sanders “Schmierenkampagne” before

The television channel MSNBC transferred slugfest took place at the University of New Hampshire. The state, in the northeast of the USA holds on Tuesday the next area code. In the centre of the debate was the argument, which of the two candidates more in tune with the values of the Democratic party.

Clinton threw out Sanders in the race for the democratic presidential nomination, the US Democrats a Schmierenkampagne to operate. “If You do have something to say, say it,” she said. “It is at the time, which is very deceitful slander to stop, You and Your campaign.” She was responding to accusations Sanders, you let big donors in the financial world influence. According to the news portal “Politico” got Clinton by the investment Bank Goldman Sachs in 2013 for three lectures 675.000 dollars.

Issue Health Insurance

Also in the health policy, the two presidential candidates together. Every industrialized nation in the world guarantee their citizens the right to health insurance, said Sanders. “I do not accept the notion that the United States of America can’t do that.”

Clinton’s warning, that he is the “controversy” about President Barack Obama’s health care reform re-ignite, said the self-declared “democratic socialist”: He wants to Reform, not dismantle, but in the long run, every citizen will have a health insurance provide. The former First Lady said, however: “Senator Sanders wants to start all over again.”

Democratic Duel

Clinton is located in national polls, clearly ahead of Sanders. The 74-year-old Senator from Vermont, with his ideas, especially young voters excited was his opponent in Iowa on Monday, but practically a tie from. Clinton came into the state in the Mid-West to 49.8%, Sanders at 49.6 percent.

In New Hampshire, see pollster of the Senator front. A survey for the newspaper “Wall Street Journal” and the television network NBC, according to is Sanders in the state at 58 percent, Clinton at 38 percent. The democratic Präsidentschaftsrennen is a fight for Maryland’s former Governor Martin O’malley after his disappointing performance in Iowa has thrown in the towel.

cr/nem (afp, dpa)