Spamkoning Wallace gives himself in to FBI


The notorious spammer Sanford Wallace has himself voluntarily to the FBI reported. The authorities were looking for him because he is indicted for a large-scale spamrun via the social-networking site Facebook.

Wallace was in July indicted, along with two other spammers. He is suspected of three attacks on Facebook, in november 2008 and march 2009. In addition, he would have compromised half a million Facebook accounts for 27 million spam messages via the social network to send.

Already in 2009, a Us federal judge that Wallace due to spamming and phishing, nearly 711 million dollars to Facebook had to pay. Wallace had users of Facebook mass messages with links to phishing sites being sent. These sites asked for the login data of Facebook and if people who gave, he used the accounts to more spam to send. According to Facebook he also sent links of those sites that him paid to generate traffic.

Wallace, who himself volunteered at the FBI has reported, is now accused of it three times, intentionally causing damage to a computer system. If the spammer at all points is found guilty, he may, up to forty years in prison and a fine of more than two million dollars.

In the nineties, Wallace was involved in a company that per day 30 million spam messages would send. In 2006, Wallace ordered to pay 4 million dollars in damages to the FTC: that would be the profit that he, the placing of spyware on millions of pc’s had been. Barely two years later, he was convicted for spam and phishing activity on MySpace, where he was the same tactic used later when Facebook was used.