“Rabobank customers suffer failure internet banking, and paypal – update”


A part of the customers of the Rabobank is faced with problems with online banking. Users can’t login in their browser for online banking and also via the mobile app does not work. In addition, no purchases via paypal be done.

The spokesman of the Rabobank can confirm that since Monday morning around 10.30 a malfunction going on. “It comes to online banking, including mobile banking and problems in the use of iDeal. Not all users are experiencing problems”, said the spokeswoman.

According to a spokesman for Currence, responsible for the iDeal platform, exclusively to the consumentenkant of the Rabobank and having 40 percent of the customers of the bank affected by iDeal transactions.

The failure comes at a time when many customers are still christmas shopping via web shops want to do. The Rabobank can be no indication about the duration of the malfunction, and also about the cause, let the bank have nothing to loose.

Update, 14.15: According to betaalvereniging will the Netherlands annex Currence, the fault is with the Rabobank iDeal-payments over.