KPN and Vodafone to specify the data usage on the account


Customers of KPN and Vodafone will soon be able to see exactly how much data they have per month to consume. The procedure is necessary, because the cheaper subscriptions will have a low data limit of, for example, 100MB or 200MB.

The precise number of MB consumption must be visible on the account, notify the providers compared Therefore, customers will see a much better amount of data they have exactly a month to consume. Now that is still unclear, because there are only sms messages are sent if a certain percentage of the data in a bundle or of a fair use policy is consumed.

The exact amount of data was never relevant, because providers with unlimited subscriptions or not enforced fair use policy’s are often no consequences hung on the fact that someone is a lot of data consumed. Now that is different: those who are bundle go, need extra credits to buy or per MB you pay.

In addition to the specifications in the bills, the providers also with a tool on the website customers with a calculation showing how much data, what types of activities cost. As a result, the customers in advance to be able to calculate how much data they use. KPN has the tool already online.

Both of these providers came to last week with subscriptions, where prices were increased and data limits for cheaper subscriptions were reduced. KPN reduced in addition to the discount on smartphones at the end of an abo, while Vodafone Smart is a new subscription service aimed at large consumers of data launched. The new subscriptions would be needed, because due to the increased use of data providers should be investing more in their networks. T-Mobile has, as yet, no new rates have been announced. That provider would want to hold on to the offer of unlimited internet access.

For many smartphoneplatformen exist apps that track can how much data traffic is verstookt, although opinions differ about the accuracy of these measurements. Also, there are firewalls where the user per app can decide whether over 3g data. For Android devices, which is the most data-intensive, is Droidwall such an app, though it requires that root access. For iPhone is for the jailbreak app Firewall IP 2.0 is available.