EA reorganizes and makes separate label from BioWare


Publisher Electronic Arts has a reorganization of BioWare a separate label, that is placed in the new division EA Labels. Peter Moore has been promoted to chief operating officer.

Electronic Arts, the division EA Labels, was founded. The existing labels, EA Games, EA Sports and EA Play, will be in the new branch to be found; the former EA Games head Frank Gibeau is the head of the new department. Mass Effect-developer BioWare separated from EA Games and as an independent label at EA Labels to be found.

Peter Moore, who led EA Sports, has been promoted to chief operating officer of EA and is thus the right hand of ceo John Riccitiello. Moore came in 2007 from Microsoft, where he played a major role in the launch of both the Xbox and the Xbox 360.

Moreover, EA announced that the purchase of PopCap is complete. The studio, known for games like Bejeweled and Plants vs. Zombies, is part of EA Interactive. That is the industry where biggest names in internet entrepreneurship, Pogo and EA Mobile are under attack, just like the online initiatives in Asia and the partnership with bordspellenfabrikant Hasbro.

EA wants to reorganize because the company, according to Riccitiello should switch ” from defense to attack. The chief was told that the new strategy in april all from the cloths, after the presentation of the last annual figures. He wants the company to transform the market leader in the field of games in a box, the market leader in the field of ‘games as a service’.