The new fuss about Clinton’s emails



The new fuss about Clinton’s emails

First it was Hillary Clinton accused, as US Secretary of state, a private E-Mail address used to have. Now they want the Democrat the Mails to publish, but your old employer is against it.

From 2009 to 2013 was Hillary Clinton as Secretary of state in the Cabinet of U.S. President Barack Obama. The Democrat would like to its ri be, but the so-called Mail-affair is always the stumbling block on the way to the White house. Clinton had in March granted, as a Minister of your electronic correspondence via a private E-Mail address to have transacted. The opposition Republicans accuse her of, the private address is used to have your correspondence under lock and key to keep.

To the contrary, Clinton vehemently. You have this convenience done to a single Smartphone to use, explained the Präsidentschaftsbewerberin. And since then everything, the emails made available to the Public. Approximately 30,000 documents from this time handed it to the Ministry of foreign Affairs – in the hope that all will be published.

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22 emails stay under lock and key

But now upgraded her old employers 22 email as “top secret”. They are under lock and key to stay. The spokesman of the Ministry, John Kirby, said Friday in Washington, the emails were not confidential have been, as they were sent, but they would at the present time from the intelligence services so valued.

Clinton’s Wahlkampteam immediately responded and said: “With all clarity, we contradict this Blockade by the State Department”. Overall, of the 22 documents to seven E-Mail communications on 37 pages. In comparison to the total of 55,000 pages, which the Ministry of foreign Affairs has verified a low number, but the affair damaged according to polls, Clinton’s Glaubwürdigkeitswerten and in the state of Iowa on Monday, the first area code in the battle for the White house. Clinton will also continue to urge that all the mail on the way to the Public.

djo/kle (afp, dpa)