“Tesla starts pilot for the batteries against payment to the swap”


Tesla begins next week in the United States with a pilot to be paid in batteries of Model S cars to replace. That would be especially speedups must provide to the directors of the electric cars.

Tesla says that there are two ways to make an electric car, to provide energy. The first is the charging of the battery, which only takes time, and the second is the replacement of the battery. Tesla claims that the last option is faster. The carmaker aims therefore to motorists who received payment again quickly the way you want.

Last year, Tesla is still an experiment which showed that it is possible for a battery pack of a Model S faster to replace than the refuelling of a car with a fossil fuel. The operation now takes three minutes because first titanium and aluminum plates that the battery protect, need to be removed. Tesla strives, however, to a change over time of one minute.

Tesla begins next week with the trial in the Us state of California, in which the first batteries for customers replace. With the pilot test, the car manufacturer, say that the technology, and explores the demand for them. The latter should show whether the change of battery’s future investments are worth, according to Tesla.