Tweaker makes font of Tweakers logo


Iconfonts acquire an increasingly important place on the internet. Unnoticed you see them more and more, also in the form of logos. Tweakers has not yet, or should we say: had. Tweaker Deathgrunt knew that in a lost moment with only a tablet to solve.

On his tweakblog writes Deathgrunt that he is already waiting on the train with his tablet-pc is a 100% css-version’ of the Tweakers logo made. Deathgrunt, which Led quickly to fame was obtaining with his cartoons and then often let himself be heard around design-troubles or apps for Windows Phone and Android, posted the css logo on a Tweakblog. That soon resulted in many comments and others who also started with the logo of Tweakers, such as Tweaker, elvin. That gave Deathgrunt again inspiration to create a dancing version. Until devver ACM are coin in the bag… in fact, that Led more than a ‘T’ enclosed in a circle with some green and black. It is also a word mark. Not even twenty minutes later there was a rudimentary version of a font-icon.

css design: left: Deathgrunt, right: elvin

The rudimentary custom font was Deathgrunt his first icon font of only 5 kb large, or actually even less in the TrueType version. The font can be installed locally, but would also as web font for it hosted somewhere.

Tweakers has no direct plans to the font to use, in connection with browser compatibility. Would rather the current png file to be replaced by an svg version. With the advantage of a vectortekening that they are perfectly scalable, combined with the support for svg in browsers.

This is just a simple picture! 😉