“Rumor: Google release next Android version directly into cars install”


Google is working on a version of Android, directly in cars ge lwa installed can be said to Reuters. Other than the current Android Auto would be the effect not on smartphones based.

With Android M, the next version of Googles operating system, introduces Google a variant that is directly in cars to install, claims Reuters on the basis of two sources who are familiar with Google’s plans. The operating system would therefore be more able to make use of vehicle-specific components, such as sensors and cameras, and the dates that components will be supplied. The expectation is that more and more ‘connected cars’ in the coming years. The Android version would Google also more foot on the ground in the automotive market, and ensure that users are services.

In the current version of Android is running “Auto” on the smartphone and it will be displayed on the in-car system. Google introduced Android Auto in the summer. Several car manufacturers have formed the ‘Open Automotive Alliance to get Android in the car faster to develop. Apple has a competitive system in the form of CarPlay by many manufacturers is supported. If operating systems are directly installed in the car is probably less easy of system to change.