Philippines: family policy in the name of God



Philippines: family policy in the name of God

The Catholic Church in the Philippines is always against family planning, recent stroke the pressure on the government of the bishops, the budget for birth control. Meanwhile, continue to grow million children in poverty.

A Declaration of war, against poverty – expressed by cardinal Charles Maung Bo from Myanmar, the Pope during this year’s 51. International Eucharist Congress in the Philippine city of Cebu represented. The Philippines would need “a third world war, against poverty and economic inequality explain”, so opened Bo his speech. The clergy complained among other things that “dogs with sophisticated organic food to be fed, while the poor children of with Crumbs have to be satisfied.”

Cardinal Charles Maung Bo opened the Congress

Tens of thousands of people had gathered in the space of the Unabängigkeit in Cebu gathered to the opening of the Catholic Congress, every four years, takes place at different venues, to attend. For hours, braved the faithful of the glaring heat. “The Humidity, the traffic, the lack of seats – all this makes us not at all,” says the visitor Marie Andrada and laughs: “This is because of our faith. It is the Belief that within each of us manifests.”

Preaching against poverty

More than eighty percent of the 100 million Filipinos are usually also deeply committed Catholics. The island nation is bevölkerungsmäßig the largest Catholic country in Asia. A corresponding event was the papal visit in January 2015, where the Pontiff, with seven millions of faithful in Manila, the largest papal mass and gathering of people of all times celebrated. In his first speech in the presidential Palace of Manila had Pope Francis against the poverty in the country, preached the scandalous social inequality, and the widespread corruption denounced. He had so directly to the present elite of the country turned to their sincerity in the fight against poverty appeals.

At the same time, had the Pontiff to protect the family proclaimed and the conservative attitude of the Catholic Church against artificial contraception has been reaffirmed. Around a quarter of the Philippine population lives below the poverty line, for most is family planning is a foreign word. The result: millions of children are growing every year in abject poverty and hopelessness, the country has, according to world health organization (WHO), one of the largest births and maternal mortality rates in Asia. In addition, the rapid population growth in the Philippines an ever greater challenge for the environment and the economy.

Opening ceremony of the world Congress

Budget for birth control removed

In 2012, after a decades-long, acrimonious dispute between the Church and the government introduced a law to birth control should be to remedy the situation. It provides, inter alia, free distribution of contraceptives, counseling on family planning in local health centers, as well as sex education in the school.

But the same Catholic bishops conference of the Philippines, this year’s Eucharistic Congress on topics such as hope and Poverty eradication, organized, is the greatest opponent of the law. With nationwide campaigns and petitions fighting for years adamantly against the implementation, with the consequence that the Philippine Haushaltsauschuss not enough funding for the programs is available.

The most recent bombshell, the bishops again at the beginning of this year. Under pressure of the Church were for the implementation of a Familienförderprogramms planned 21 million US dollars canceled. Around seven million women are affected by it. “This will have enormous consequences, because many mothers are on the assistance of the Ministry of health need”, criticized the Minister of health Janette Garin. The Ministry of health could now be only on private donations, are hoping to get funds for contraceptives to recover, so Garin.

Confession under the open sky

Fighter planes instead of condoms

The clergy were highly pleased with the Budgetkürzung. Ramon Arguelles’, Archbishop of Batangas, stressed about the money find safe better use than investing in the education system. However, this is wishful thinking, because according to the statement of the Senator Loren Legarda were the $ 21 million already used, in the face of ongoing conflict in the South China sea attack aircraft to procure.

Legislators and representatives of civil society criticized the Haushaltsbeschneidung sharp. Romeo Dongeto, Executive Director of the Foundation of the Abgeordnetengruppe for population and development (PLCPD), warns of possible long-term consequences. “When one couples the access to reproductive health is denied, then the drastic consequences for the health and the ability to prevent children adequate food, health care and education to make available,” said Dongeto, “in the long term, such a policy, the productivity of workers and thus the national economy have a strong impact.”

Opening mass in Cebu

Illegal life-threatening abortions

The law to birth control is actually a medical follow-up for women, an unwanted pregnancy, despite the fact that abortion even in the Philippines, as before, is illegal and the Church is doomed. Concretely happened, however, nothing so far.

According to an estimate by the world health organization, each year around 800,000 Filipino women on their own to abort – and the among biggest risks for your health. These women are forced, with medieval methods in a non-licensed clinics your pregnancy to an end. Human rights activists criticize the Situation for years, yet it remains unchanged. According to the WHO, ends up around 70 percent of unwanted pregnancies in the Philippines in abortion, mostly, because the women are no more children can afford.

Some Doctors in their own clinics for secret abortions, for the equivalent of 40 to 100 euros. The women who can’t afford it, need to quacks and their dubious methods. Thus, the pregnant women “potions”, some with highly toxic mixtures offered on the market place in front of the Catholic Quiapo Church in Manila. Due to life-threatening Abtreibungsmethoden land every year around 100,000 women in the hospital, reported the Ministry of health. Directly in front of the eyes of God.