Mozilla presents its own ‘single sign on’-framework


Mozilla has a framework is presented which allows site builders to their users via one and the same system can log in. ‘BrowserID’ should ultimately be in browsers are built in, but works now via a pop-up.

BrowserID works on the basis of e-mail addresses: users need only an e-mail address and password to a website to log in. Developers can have their own login system replaced by BrowserID, where users BrowserID pop-up, get to log in. Eventually it must pop-up be replaced by native browsersupport, but when that comes is unknown. It is obvious that, in any case, Mozilla’s own Firefox-browser support is provided.

BrowserID is easy in a website to integrate a javascript file of the BrowserID-server to load and a few lines of javascript code to be inserted for handling the logins. To check whether a user is logged in, should developers with a ajax-call to the BrowserID servers. For authentication is public key cryptography used.

It is intended that, for example, e-mail providers as authenticatieprovider going to contribute to the framework, so that there is no separate BrowserID account need to be created: log in with the e-mail account is already enough. According to Mozilla, both the BrowserID servers as well as other authenticatieproviders not see what websites are visited.