Hollywood and isps-US agreement on piraterijwaarschuwingen


Large isps in the US have with the entertainment industry agreed on the introduction of a Copyright Alert System. Customers who illegally download, mails and perhaps sanctions tegemoetzien.

The memorandum of understanding is concluded between, on the one hand, the RIAA and the MPAA, as representative of, respectively, the music and film industry, and on the other hand, the large isps are AT&T, ComCast and Verizon.

Isps have up to six alerts if the entertainment companies have found that the relevant customer, copyright infringement has been committed with the download of content, in the document. In the warnings state, among other things, that the infringement with the account you have established, and that this is illegal. In addition, the customer is given advice on how to secure his system, the avoidance of further violations and the possibilities for legal content to purchase.

After the fifth warning has the provider the possibility to take measures, but he is not obliged to do so. The Center for Copyright Information, which the parties have united themselves, mentions as examples the decrease of the speed of internet connection, a redirect to a page with the request to contact the isp or other measures that the isp may deem necessary to solve the case’.

The isps and entertainment companies emphasize that the alert system, the isps are not required to the connections of customers to exit. Among other things, the civil rights movement Center for Democracy & Technology looks at the agreement critically. “We are especially disappointed that the shutdown of internet accounts is called as a possible solution.” The organization will find that internet connections are not closed may be on the basis of allegations that are not in the courtroom are reviewed.