Compromise in the Asylstreit



Compromise in the Asylstreit

CDU, CSU and SPD agree when family reunification of Syrian refugees. In addition, three Maghreb States to “safe countries of origin” to be explained. The latter requires the consent of the Federal Council.

Chancellor Merkel, Horst Seehofer,d em head of the sister party CSU

After months of tough struggle, it went quite quickly: In a nearly three-hour Spitzentreffen ended the Grand coalition their
The controversy over the so-called asylum package II
. With the control of the family re-Union, for Syrian refugees, they found a compromise. For all refugees, “not personally persecuted” were going to the family reunion for two years, suspended, declared SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that the re-tightening of the asylum law would very quickly into the legislative process to go. With a Cabinet decision is next Wednesday expected.

Thus it is clear: The suspension of family re-Union could also be around 20 percent of Syrians concern that since September 2015 in Germany recording. It is likely to mainly be people of action, not directly from the Bürgerkriegsgebieten come, but, for example, from the refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon or Turkey. You enjoy only so-called “subsidiary protection” because they are not refugees under the Geneva refugee Convention apply. After all, should your family members have priority, if the Federal government desired EU-Aufnahmekontingente for refugees come about, currently in countries neighbouring Syria to stop. You would then be at a safe and legal way to Germany. For Syrians, the directly from the Bürgerkriegsregionen come in force in Germany continues to be the status of refugees with a three-year residence permit, with prospects of remaining and the possibility of Familiennachzuges.

Destination Germany? Refugees in the port of Piraeus

Sharp criticism of the Green

The opposition Green party criticized the decision sharply. “Who is the family reunion exposes, takes tacitly accepted in that children and women in the Mediterranean drowning”, said her family spokeswoman, Franziska Brantner. Also the Integration will be more difficult. The chief Executive of the largest welfare Association in Germany, Ulrich Schneider, tweeted:

Cathartic was the news about the agreement especially for the large coalition of the refugee crisis, the time runs away. At the latest, in early spring, again with an Increase of Flüchtlingszahlen to be expected. Pressure on the party leaders of CDU, CSU and SPD came last also from the ranks of the 16 Prime Ministers of the German States, the parallel met in Berlin, particularly through the Integration of many refugees to advise.

The Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) warned: “Everyone can feel the confidence of the population decreases. And it is our task, this trust to build up again.” And the Prime Minister of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelow (Left), added: the solution of The problem would be enormously accelerated if the appointments from the last year finally implemented.

Faster asylum procedure is possible

But it is precisely because hooked it up recently, because this is already on 5. November by Merkel, Gabriel and CSU chief Horst Seehofer agreed asylum package while family reunification for Syrians to different interpretations. Especially the CSU, the Bavarian sister party of the CDU, fear unlimited family reunification for Syrians, a multiplication of the number of refugees over the limit, because in the past year, over 1.1 million people came to Germany.

The asylum package II also provides for special reception centres, where asylum applications lodged by refugees with low Bleibechancen in the fast-track procedure should be processed. As Abschiebehindernis want to only severe diseases with certifications have to be proven. In addition, a uniform Flüchtlingsausweis be introduced and asylum seekers in the future, a contribution of ten euros per month to Finance their courses afford. Social services to get asylum seekers only if they are fully registered.

Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia future?

Merkel, Gabriel and Seehofer agreed to also focus on Morocco, Algeria and
to be safe Countries of origin to explain. This is intended to people from those countries faster, could be deported. Especially the influx of Algerian fans singing and Moroccans had recently increased. However, the Federal government has a majority in the Bundesrat, the representation of the 16 countries. In the past year had a Green Prime Minister guided the Baden-Württemberg of the Federal government helped some of the Balkan countries to be safe countries of origin to explain. Chancellor Angela Merkel said, they see this also a good chance that the Federal Council agrees. The Human Rights Organization
Pro Asyl criticised
so place Germany in these States, a Persilschein, although there basic human rights were violated.

But also good news announced by the coalition: refugee, the do an apprenticeship, during this time, a safe stay and then be two years in Germany allowed to work. That was a long time demand of German companies, said Gabriel. Chancellor Merkel also stated that the Integration of refugees will be the largest project in the coming years. The Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff (CDU) said the Federal government had the influx of refugees reduced, so that the here, Arriving well could be integrated. Until now, all the capacities for the Notunterbringung of the many refugees bound.