Ban on the sale of E-cigarettes to young people decided to



Ban on the sale of E-cigarettes to young people decided to

E-cigarettes and E-Shisha are allowed in Germany will in future no longer minors to be sold. The German Bundestag concluded a corresponding loophole.

The Bundestag adopted a bill, with the existing supply and Konsumverbot for tobacco products to children and young people to electronic cigarettes and Shisha is extended. This also applies to mail order. The electronic variants to simulate a Smoking, without the tobacco to burn. Instead, a liquid is evaporated and the resulting mist are inhaled. There are different flavors, and the product can both nikotinhaltig as well be free.

The editorial recommends

Krebsbefallene lungs, Raucherbeine, black teeth – with such Schockfotos on cigarette packages should smokers the pleasure at the Fag pass. The Cabinet decided on an appropriate bill. (16.12.2015)

E-cigarettes will no longer be sold to children and adolescents, as the draft bill of the Federal government. Quite right too, says Martina Pötschke-Langer from the German cancer research center.

Each year more people die of the consequences of Smoking. The world health organization calls for drastic measures. Particularly effective are higher taxes. (07.07.2015)

In the youth protection act was so far only a ban of tobacco products is regulated. In addition to Union and SPD agreed the Greens for the bill of the coalition.

Gateway E-Cigarette

The Federal government had the bill for the ban on the sale with the health risks of Addiction and Nerve nicotine the fact that also during the consumption of E-cigarettes and Shisha with the Nikotinlösung inhaled. But also the consumption of nicotine-free electronic cigarettes and Shisha is hazardous to health, as when Evaporating substances would, the respiratory diseases can trigger and, as may be believed to cause cancer apply.

Experts see children and young people especially through E-Shisha at risk, such as colorful pens look and for fruit or cotton candy taste. Among 12 – to 17-Year-old has, according to studies, each third at least once a E-cigarette or E-hookah at least tried.


Bundesernährungsminister Christian Schmidt (CSU), called the adopted Abgabeverbot a “milestone for the protection of consumers ‘health”. Smoking was not harmless, even if it is after chewing gum taste or after melon smell. The Parliamentary state Secretary in the Federal Ministry for family Affairs, Caren Marks (SPD), recalled that in addition, there is a risk that the seemingly innocuous nikotinfreie E-cigarettes to persuade, to nicotine-containing cigarettes only.

qu/wl (dpa, afp)