Ziggo promises aid for Roosendaal subscribers with dvb-t interference


Ziggo is the inhabitants of Roosendaal free of charge to offer assistance to the disruptions as a result of a new Digital tv transmitter to correct. Probably, the kabelaar poorly shielded cables and housing replaced.

KPN has recently in the station at Roosendaal, a new Digital tv-transmitter is placed. Because the dvb-t channel frequencies are used that are partly the tv signals on the cable stack, camps Ziggo subscribers in the vicinity of the mast with breakdowns in a number of digital channels, he was told BN DeStem. It would go to hundreds of households. The analog channels are free to view.

According to Ziggo, the interference in the digital tv signal due to legacy coax cabling, which is insufficiently shielded. Also old coaxstekkers may be susceptible to dvb-t signals. The kabelaar says that it is all for the introduction of Digital tv warned for the danger of overlapping frequencies with the malfunction, but KPN is of the opinion that the dvb-t transmitter just uses a government-assigned broadcasting frequencies.

Ziggo spokesman Erik van Doeselaar shows Tweakers.net know that the kabelaar affected subscribers in Roosendaal meet wants to come. The company plans to offer its subscribers better inform about possible technical adjustments that they have in their house. Also connect the company that are mechanics free of charge outdated coaxial cables will be replaced by modern, well-shielded cables. Van Doeselaar was still no details to report of the ‘rescue program’, nor is the term in which Ziggo this is going to offer. The kabelaar promises, however, in the short term, with more details to come for its customers in Roosendaal.