Scientists develop system that dress code gives


Not everyone can choose for themselves some clothes. And so turns many friends and family in to make that determination. But could robots in the future are also part of the carefully chosen group of confidants?

To find out, bites scientists of the Spanish Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics are stuck in the question of whether computers actually ‘fashion’ is able to recognize. For what for someone is a fashionable bright green ribbroek, for another, namely to the everyday outfit to belong to.

The researchers tried with machine learning, a computer to understand what is generally accepted and what is not. To do this, they put a dataset together of the 144,000 the messages of clothing with associated information, including the ‘likes’ per post. Who likes determined according to the formula in the extent to which a piece of clothing fashionable, it was found, as was Tuesday known.

Thanks to the dataset had the computer knowledge that he could apply it to new images. With a neural network and a conditional random field model knew the algorithm to determine how big the chance was that a particular item of clothing at someone fit. This took the model to different variables, such as the type of clothing, the properties of the carrier and the associated environment.

“The aim is to get mathematical models to build the concept of ‘fashion’ to understand. What makes a certain form of dress is fashionable and what is not? And based can recommendations be given about what someone can wear,” said the researchers. Their paper, was last month presented at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference in Boston.

So, do you have a computer to dress code?

Photo: Flickr/Barkbud