“More than 90 percent of mobile browsing traffic” comes from iOS and Android


Android and iOS seem to be heading in a duopoly on mobile browsing traffic”. This is evident from measurements of Tweakers.net and Mobile Metrics, which measure at 20 Dutch sites. The joint share is more than 90 percent and still growing.

The visit from mobile devices has doubled since a half year, concludes Mobile Metrics. For the research, twenty Dutch sites that are active on various markets on the figures. The market shares of the iPad and Android continue to rise. The figures are a few percentage points shifted since the previous measurement. At the 20 sites of Mobile Metrics is iOS on 75 per cent, Android at over 18 percent.

On Tweakers.net is roughly the same image, see: iOS devices take approximately 55 percent of the visits are from a mobile device for their account. Android follows with about 40 percent. Approximately 2.5 percent of the visits come from a smartphone with Symbian, 0.9 percent from a BlackBerry.

Thus, it seems more and more that Android and iOS are heading for a duopoly, a market in which two providers, nearly the whole of the market check. In sales, iOS and Android in the Netherlands and also the largest, is the Nokia’s Symbian is still a significant role.

The iPad is on both Tweakers.net as Mobile Metrics used more than the iPhone to sites to visit: probably it is because there are more apps for the iPhone, so sites are less visited. Numbers of apps are not included.

Mobile platform
Mobile Metrics*

18,2 (16,9) percent
41,4 (40,8) %

iPad (iOS)
38,1 (34,3) percent
32,8 (27,7) %

iPhone (iOS)
30,8 (34,0) percent
19,6 (22,6) %

3,5 (3,6) percent
2,4 (3,2) percent

iPod (iOS)
4,1 (4,7) percent
2,8 (3,2) percent

4,5 (5,9) percent
1,2 (1,5) per cent

*figures Mobile Metrics from Mobile Metrics. Stats are measured over may 2011, between parentheses figures of march 2011