Microsoft: Sony and RSA hacks are a result of beginners ‘ mistakes


The hacker attacks on Sony’s PlayStation Network and the security company RSA were able to succeed thanks to beginners ‘ mistakes. That sets a beveiligingstopman of Microsoft. He claims in addition that Microsoft is immune to ddos attacks.

Sony and RSA were the successful attacks on their systems can easily prevent, a beveiligingstopman of Microsoft The ceo, John Howie, takes on Sony’s PlayStation Network could be cracked with servers unpatched software turned. It would also include programming errors are made. Beginners ‘ mistakes, says Howie.

The same is true according to Howie for RSA, where hackers in march information about the functioning of the SecurID sleutelgenerators of war. That happened through social engineering; an employee was tempted to get an infected e-mail attachment to open. According to Howie at Microsoft security measures for that type of attack to prevent.

The remarks of Howie are remarkable, because Microsoft is not free of vulnerabilities. Recently popped a vulnerability in Hotmail, which made it possible to e-mail to steal users. Last year complained beveiligingsonderzoeker that Microsoft reported vulnerabilities for months ongepatcht left.

Finally, claims Howie that his company has taken measures to ddos attacks to be able to resist; the company would be almost immune to such attacks. The Microsoft servers would attack up to five gigabits of traffic per second can withstand and above the company would take measures to rogue hosts to block.