Citigroup-hackers knew 2.7 million dollar loot to make


Criminal hackers have the credit card information of approximately 3400 Citigroup customers around 2.7 million dollars seized. It is the first time that Citigroup acknowledges that the hack in its payment system financial lwa le damage has been delivered.

The 3400-affected customers will get their money back from the bank, reports Bloomberg. In total, there are data of more than 360,000 account holders at Citigroup captured during the hack, which in June took place.

Initially proposed by Citigroup, the third largest bank in the United States, that the creditcarddata and other private data of ‘only’ 200.000 customers by hackers was captured. A week later the number rose to some 360,000 account holders, approximately 1.5 percent of the customer base of Citigroup.

The hackers knew presumably to gain access to the payment system of Citigroup by the url to manipulate. Citigroup states that it is now sufficient to take measures to prevent a recurrence. Also, it has hundreds of thousands of customers a new credit card given.