The state legislature sets the Commission of inquiry for new year’s eve a



The state legislature sets the Commission of inquiry for new year’s eve a

The new year’s eve very next day in Cologne will be by a Committee of inquiry of the North Rhine-Westphalian state Parliament worked. It is going to possible misconduct and to failings in the security agencies.

Between the station and the Dom (stock footage from the new year’s eve)

The editorial recommends

North Rhine-Westphalia interior Minister Jäger has the Cologne police leadership admit to serious mistakes in the Attacks on women on new year’s eve accused. The investigations are difficult, said the SPD politician. (11.01.2016)

Since some weeks there Waffenverkäufer and order offices if you apply for a gun licence a stronger demand. Also self-defense classes are more frequently visited. No Problem says the police. (27.01.2016)

The new year’s eve Assault of Cologne, düsseldorf Minister on it: He finds the distribution of refugees from Morocco and Algeria to only four States are highly unfair and wants to ght it. (26.01.2016)

On 4. February begins the Cologne carnival, a Millionenveranstaltung. After the massive Attacks on women on new year’s eve, the town invested now with 360,000 euros in the security concept. (26.01.2016)

Cologne, Germany – everywhere? Similar Assaults on women, such as the between the Cathedral and the main train station in the new year’s eve, it was after media information also in many other cities – but, apparently, not coordinated. (23.01.2016)

The Landtag in Düsseldorf, stated the parliamentary Committee of inquiry with the votes of the red-green government coalition and the opposition parties CDU and FDP. Only the pirate party abstained.

The Committee is responsible for, among other things, the role of the police in Cologne and of the Federal Ministry of the interior alleged that Federal police in the new year’s eve and in the aftermath of this screen. The Central question for the Committee is why the police at Cologne’s Hauptbahnhof, mass Assaults on women could not prevent. To be questioned to do this planning and political responsibilities as well as the General security situation in the biggest state.

In the words of Peter Biesenbach (CDU), designate Chairman of the body, it is also the task of the twelve-member Committee, the trust in the rule of law again. In addition, the panel with so-called lawless spaces, and the personnel situation of the police in North Rhine-Westphalia has to deal with.

Minister of the interior on the hit list

The former Cologne chief of police had after the incidents take his hat. The opposition parties CDU and FDP see but the responsibility for Landesinnenminister Ralf Jäger and demand his resignation. The SPD-Ministers have the facts covered up and only of portion the Public is to be informed. Hunter dismissed the criticism back and has the backing of Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft to your Minister holds.

Minister of the interior Ralf hunter – wobbles his chair?

Until last week, were the police in North Rhine-Westphalia, more than 1000 criminal charges to be Sexual, robbery and Diebstahlsdelikten in the new year’s eve from several major cities. The vast majority of the offences took place in Cologne, Germany. Perpetrators are, according to the investigators the migrants of North African or Arab origin. In Cologne had the men on the square in front of gathered, many of them aggressive and drunk. From smaller groups out were women attacked.

qu/djo (rtr, dpa, epd)