The netherlands remains behind with the roll-out successor to umts


The netherlands remains behind with the roll-out of lte, the intended successor of umts and hsdpa. In some neighboring countries, the 4g technology is already available, but in the Netherlands, are telcos, even with the 4g technology to the experiment.

In Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland are already lte networks are operational, according to a report from the GSA, an association of suppliers of network equipment. In the Netherlands and Belgium are providers for the time being only busy with the preparation. Providers in both countries have lte networks planned, as the report states.

So gradually, as well as the consumer hardware components that lte is capable of. There are now nine smartphones and eight tablets announced that the 4g standard support. In addition, there are now 45 routers with lte and support for 28 usb sticks for mobile internet.

Lte applies as the successor of the current networking technologies umts and hsdpa. The download speed of lte is currently still 100Mbps, but that should eventually be improved to more than 1Gbps. In addition, the latency of lte is a lot lower, enabling real-time gaming via mobile internet better.

Lte is backwards compatible with umts, which makes a connection of one of the two networks to the other can be ‘passed’. That offers great advantages as a user in a lte area and the connection through a umts mast must be acquired. Lte requires a new network with new cell towers.

In the Netherlands, announced KPN earlier this year, field trials with lte. T-Mobile is experimenting more, but so far as known not in the Netherlands. Lte networks are already operational in fourteen countries. Editors of made in the E3-gamesbeurs in Los Angeles, for example, use of the lte-network provider Verizon Wireless, including more videos to upload.