LulzSec falls gamesites with ddos attacks


After LulzSec earlier this week new hacks announced the computer hacker group is Tuesday kept busy with ddos attacks. This seem to be mostly gamegerelateerde websites that they have been victims of the attacks.

The server of Eve Online was attacked, where also the website itself was shut down. In response to the attack has developer CCP Games, the systems of Eve Online are disabled. Also the inlogservers of Minecraft and League of Legends have been through a ddos attack is unreachable, in which both games also the website unusable hit. Between the companies, LulzSec also targeting the Finfisher, an it company that, according to the computer hacker group ‘monitor software or something like that to the government sells”.

In addition, the digital fire opened on gamemagazine The Escapist. Although LulzSec, few details have been released about the botnet that the attack is used, it seems that the group is actively looking for vulnerable systems to meet his botnet to add. There is no information about the size of this botnet, except that LulzSec said the attack on The Escapist, only 0.4 percent of the available bandwidth used.

Earlier this week overtook the group the news, with successful hacks on Bethesda and porn site The computer hacker group seems to be for the youngest series of attacks to have to rely on his motto ‘lulz’, which is a corruption of the commonly used LOL. Without apparent reason, several websites shut down.