LulzSec breaks into


Hackersgroepering LulzSec has infiltrated the website of the Us senate. There would be no secret data are extracted and LulzSec ask the American government or the small hack now, as an act of war is seen.

LulzSec has this hack at the same time with that of the site of Bethesda published. The American government would prevent the penetration of the Senaatssite in the past weekend have already been noticed. LulzSec has published basic information about the file system, gebruikerslogins and the configuration files of the Apache web server, but no further sensitive material.

The security of the network of the Senate and of the data members would then also not in dispute. “There is no information about individual user accounts on the server that is running about,” said Martina Bradford, who is responsible for the security of the Senate told Reuters.

“We love not so of the American government,” said LulzSec in a statement. “Is this a declaration of war, gentlemen?”. With this last phrase refers to the grouping to the recent statement by the Obama administration that a cyber attack from foreign powers in retaliation in the form of a real, physical attack may follow.