Is the pc on place two?


It is noteworthy that many of the big releases of the past months until now, or early 2009 for the pc release. And it’s not just one or two fluke, no, it starts a real trend. Reason for panic, or a tempest in a glass of water? Let’s go through the following list:

1. Saints Row 2
The versions for the PS3 and the Xbox 360 appeared mid-October, the pc version is coming January 16, 2009. Three months later, that is acceptable. THQ port many of his games sooner or later to the pc. So, also, Red Faction: Guerrilla is a pc version was announced, but also that will in all probability only after the versions for the PS3 and the Xbox 360 in the stores.

There was more than half a year between the console and the pc version, but that is the last years, by default, in previous GTA titles. In short: no surprises on this front. In addition, the pc version is a thick, and more, in the form of a movie director who is the replaywaarde quite opkrikt. That Rockstar also get a decent stitch drop proved to be the end of October of this year appeared in Bully for the pc. Two years after the PS2 version came to the company with a clumsy, washed-out, buggy pc-variant of the cram. Too little, too late, I would be on this rickety, heated clique say.

3. Mirror’s Edge
This appears just like Saints Row 2, on January 16, a pc version. Perks are not there, or you need the hefty graphical upgrade count. Considering the pc background of developer Dice, I expect few problems, especially since the game support a gamepad has. In other words, the pc version would be the best – read: most beautiful version of the three.

4. Prince of Persia
The pc version of the hand-drawn platformpareltje of Ubisoft came a week later than the PS3 and the Xbox 360 version, that can hardly be ‘delay’. The pc variant displays, both with the keyboard and with gamepads, good control, and looks even better than Prince of Persia on the Xbox 360 that, in turn, just a bit nicer than the PS3 version.

5. MySims
If we bothered at all, this delay should be a second, but the fact is that it’s not a game until a year after the Wii version, the light on the pc saw. Without a doubt, the many Sims players to entice a more caressingly version to try.

What does all this say now? There is no clear answer to give, since there are various motives to play. On the one hand, there is a technical cause. Developers make a desk version and think in retrospect that a possible pc-version is a nice idea to have some extra money to earn with it.

In other cases, it is the pc version simultaneously announced with the consoleversies, but is the game on the pc aware later released. This last for the simple reason that the illegal copy lwa ren wants to go against. It is still much easier to get a pc game to crack than a consolegame. By the time that enough has been earned with the desk version, or when the rack from the sale to the ‘early buyers’, you will see the game later for the pc. In some cases, with some extras – see Gears of War, GTA IV, Assassin’s Creed, but in other cases it is exactly the same game, but with nicer graphics.

The question is whether this trend really is. I don’t think so. In the case of Bully, you may wonder where we would create, but also in other cases a delay of a few months or, as in the case of GTA IV, even more than half a year, usually acceptable. If it means pc gamers, where I myself also under the scissors, still toppers as Mirror’s Edge and GTA IV may and can continue to play, you won’t hear me complain. The priority of consoles, I take on the sale. At the same time, there are still plenty of games about that simultaneously with the desk version appear on the pc, just think of fine titles such as Far Cry 2, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, and the acclaimed Fallout 3.

Eventually, the so, along with the doodverklaren of the pc as a gaming platform, behavior where I me in 2008 also guilty of have made. At the same time, I remain vigilant and I’m not totally convinced. Especially now recently his list of most downloaded pc games being made known.

Spore the dubious honor to top, with 1.7 million units. Crysis and Assassin’s Creed draw both a million illegally downloaded versions, Fallout 3, that a relatively short time ago came out, it has 645.000 illegal downloads and Far Cry 2 585.000. Piece for piece games which I consider to be clean, had to be purchased .