Google has an ‘ebola-proof’ tablet made


Google the tablet has released with a very specific application: the device is made to be used in areas where ebola is prevalent. It is for example possible for the tablet to be disinfected with chlorine.

The conscious tablet is developed at the request of the emergency services Jay Achar, and Ivan Gayton; the latter wrote a request to, the branch of the internetgigant that commitment to charity. The company then made a solid tablet with a shell of polycarbonate. Achar spoke with Wired about the device, that by him is used for patient administration in his work as a care worker in Sierra Leone.

A tablet has the advantage that data of ebola patients can be easily redirected, something that with paper is impossible because the risk of infection, the location will not be allowed to leave. The Google-designed tablet may have a shell of polycarbonate are cleaned with chlorine: this is the dengue fever virus is neutralized, and the unit may therefore also outside of the shielded environment.

What are the specifications of the ebola-resistant tablet is not known. Also, it is not clear whether such devices in the long term scale will be used in the areas affected by ebola. The most recent outbreak has been about 10,000 human lives.