Developers get Netflix working on NES


During the Netflix Hack Day-event managed three technicians of the video service, the platform is running on an original Nintendo Entertainment System. It was one of the proof-of-concept-projects from the Hack Day.

Reports that Netflix on his tech blog’s. Despite the fact that the engineers of the system with the name ‘darNES’ of the talk were given, the output should be very limited.

The Netflix staff Guy Cirino, Alex Wolfe and Carenina Motion would hack into third-a kind of working version of the video service during the Winter Hack Day-event together. They were given a number of frames of the intro of House of Cards running on a non custom NES, but with some ‘additions’, according to a tweet from Cirino. What the additions were, is not clear. There is also a kind of search interface, but the feed shows not yet released Netflix series, which shows that it is not on the live servers running.

DarNES was not the only project that saw the light of day. Netflix Earth is visualized on a 3d globe real-time global afspeeldrukte. BEEP helps you not be distracted to hit while watching. For example, suppose that the cat crazy while watching it, then detect the system that you’re distracted. A clearly audible tone should the binge-viewer again on the screen to focus. Say Whaaat!!! helps the viewer if a bit of dialogue was missed and, of course, there was still a protection for coexisting partners who do not want their partner is looking for things that they actually need to look: Just the Netflix Cheats.

It comes to proof-of-concepts that engineers from Netflix for the fun to develop, and that only in exceptional cases, to actual services.