Controversi lwa le Battlefield 3 dlc is only temporarily exclusive


The exclusive dlc items for gamers who have a special Battlefield 3 version at two Uk retailers order, do not remain exclusive. Other gamers can be the so far exclusive items at a later time to download.

Ontwikkelstudio Dice and publisher Electronic Arts have announced that entries from the Battlefield 3 Limited Edition Physical Warfare Pack is not exclusively reserved to the gamers that their game at Uk retailers Game or Gamestation order. However, they will be the two weapons, the wapenmod and special ammo from the pack temporarily exclusive use, until the Physical Warfare Pack for free for everyone to download.

The announcement of the exclusive dlc package for gamers that Battlefield 3 pre-order at Game or Gamestation, fell in the Battlefield community a bad earth. Gamers are afraid that the package leads to imbalance in the game. In a poll on the official EA forum Battlefield showed 85 percent of the voting members, more than three thousand men, to know the exclusive dlc pack is a bad idea.

The Thursday issued an explanation is the answer of the Dice on the controversy that arose after the announcement. According to general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson is the controversy due to uncertainty from Dice and EA about the price that the companies sail with the dlc. Troedsson points out in his writing, furthermore, that the Physical Warfare Pack will be exclusive in the United Kingdom will appear, but all over the world by various retailers will be offered.

The order of a Limited Edition of Battlefield 3 also gives the right to download the first expansion that Dice will release. The ‘Back to Karkand’pack includes four Battlefield 3 edited playfields from Battlefield 2, including Strike at Karkand, Gulf of Oman and Sharqi Peninsula, as well as additional weapons and vehicles. This package will not be with the release of Battlefield 3, but is later released. Gamers who don’t have a Limited Edition, will the maps at the same time, but for a fee download.