“Amsterdam wants to 160MW of ge lwa installed solar panels in 2020”


The municipality of Amsterdam has announced that the city much more sustainable energy through solar panels must generate. The capital committed to a ge lwa installed capacity of 160MW in 2020, compared to a paltry 9MW now.

The ambitious plans of the Amsterdam municipality are set out in the Agenda of Sustainability. The college wants to be in 2020, 20 percent more renewable energy to generate 20 percent less energy to dissipate. An important role is reserved for solar energy. Currently, approximately 9MW of solar panels installed, but by 2020 this will have grown to a capacity of 160MW.

To the installation of solar panels to promote, amongst others, the welstandsregels for the placement of panels to be modified or deleted. Also hopes the college that the government with tax incentives. Further, there should be more panels appear on the roofs of commercial buildings and so-called social property, such as schools.

The use of wind energy should also continue to grow. In 2020 would be wind turbines in the port area with a capacity of 85MW to deliver; that is 67MW. Furthermore, there must be more houses and commercial premises on stadswarmte be connected and the number of charging points for electric cars should be increased from one thousand to four thousand.

The college also wants to old taxis, buses and vans go bad. In the environmental zone will be from 2017 onwards no vans allowed to drive that in a year of 2000. In 2018 are also old taxis banned and also coaches from 2005 or older are allowed to then the city is no longer in. Also the council wants to look at a ban on polluting bromscooters and public transport by bus must be in 2026 a whole uitstootvrij.