What, in week 44, the news didn’t make it


The link ‘nieuwssuggestie submission’ was the last seven days was used a lot. Like every week it produced a number of nice articles on, and as each week went by, a lot of the garbage in. Read on to discover what messages we have recycled.

Shot for open… source

Cool news of the Compiz-front. The three-dimensional desktop environment for Linux, which among other things, the new Ubuntu is included, is one of the ‘wodor’ with a plugin to the image, too, lwa cht three-dimensional. The drawback is that the 3d image is visible only if there is a red-green glasses are worn, what is the practical applicability significantly decreases. Only nice for years-zeventigfans, we found. On Ubuntu, is also working on a new tan, but more than enthusiastic efforts, we could not bring.

Tough language was released by Mandriva frontman Fran lwa ois Bancilhon, who in an open letter to Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer sent. Bancilhon had heard that the Nigerian government and 17,000 Classmate pcs from Mandriva had stripped, to Windows. The Mandriva-foreman appeared outraged at the “unethical” behaviour of Microsoft, but did at the same time very hard to not go into detail about it. Because Microsoft also comments refused, we have this classic round of mirth and mayhem that, at its best, to silly jokes about reverse 419 scams had led, but to let them pass.

Also fairly silly, it was joke that Apple in the Leopard OS clogged. The fresh operating system contains a special icon for computers that are not from the Apple factory for such machines is a monitor with a BSOD displayed. Two cases fell rather: it is the BSOD from the more than antique Windows 9x series and the operating system that is the most recent media attention due to undesirable blue screen got, understand, Mac OS X. that is What the Mac builders have an example to Reggie Fils-Aime of Nintendo: that was an interview I know that he is Sony’s Little Big Planet and fps’and the Xbox 360 as well. For example, the so also.


When reading Microsoft Raises the Bar for Customer Service Excellence for Microsoft Dynamics Customers With Business Ready Customer Care, came to an abrupt end to the life of our Bullshit Alert™. The amount of marketingspeak that CNN on a single web page know to squeeze, knew, even almost to hide the fact that Microsoft now ten years support on CRM, ERP and Retail Management Solution-products to deliver. By the time we by stijlmuurbloempjes as ongoing road-map visibility through comprehensive statements of direction that give insight into the planned product innovations’ had struggled, the news was all old. Own fault, Redmond.

Also too old to publish the message about Australian government funding on a accuhemd. Researchers want a shirt develop that the movements of the carrier used for charging a battery, so that cell phone and mp3 player is never without a puncture. The army donated half of October, 4.4 million Australian dollars to the scientists to prove that this is even possible, because apparently, the project only on paper. We think, moreover, that it is in Australia lwa mostly much too hot to sit outside to move, but if the shirt ever get to Europe we’ll let you know.

Hot rods

The Californian teenager Shaun Malone got recently his driver’s license. As that enthusiastic new drivers it is fitting, he scored then a fat speeding ticket due to speeding. His father, a former agent, was not amused and installed a gps system in the car of his son, that prompt speeding ticket number two cashed. According to the paperwork, reed, Shaun 62 miles per hour where 45 was allowed, but the gps data told a different story. Of course, father and son now go to court, but experts expect that the gps device is inaccurate.

And now that we’re on the California lwa: it, few will be aware that there are whole pieces of that state to the ground burned to the ground. Several people made the suggestion for a news article about the shutdown of the production of series such as NCIS, but even more fun were the conspiracy theory lwa n scattered in the media appeared. In particular, the war in Iraq and Al Qaeda were responsible, reported tv station Fox News, for example, but the Wageningen professor Frits Mohren produced the most beautiful story: thanks to mobile telephony to penetrate people deeper in the woods, and they can, therefore in more and more places accidents with fire. We find that a strong argument for more wi-fi-phones – that will people to learn in the area of their base station.