Robot is blocks of foam rubber to the body via the apps


During the CeBIT trade fair in march in Hanover is held, visitors can view with an app, a foam block claim that a robot is then going to edit. The visitors can get the robot under other furniture.

The RoboChop installation consists of four arms that foam blocks of 50x50x50cm can grab. The installation at the CeBIT trade fair, and visitors and other internet users worldwide are able to use an app to choose how the blocks edited. This is done using an external tool with filament, according to the creators.

According to that creators, Clemens Weisshaar and Reed Clamp, the robot can move under other tables and chairs but also abstract objects of the material. After completion the objects are packed and to the users sent, where this is. In total, there will be RoboChop as two thousand blocks to edit.

The project is part of the Code_n competition for internet of things applications, in hall 16 of the Cebit will take place. The fair lasts from 16 to 20 march.