‘Netflix and Nintendo want tv-series of The Legend of Zelda’


According to a recent rumor has Netflix plans to create a television series of The Legend of Zelda. This would be collaborated with Nintendo, who is the owner of the popular series which many games have appeared.

The rumors come from The Wall Street Journal. According to sources, is working on a ‘live action’series about The Legend of Zelda. The tv series is described as ‘Game of Thrones, but for the whole family’. More information is not yet available about how the story will run. There was, in 1989, a short animated television series The Legend of Zelda.

If the rumors are correct then it will probably be a while before the tv-series of The Legend of Zelda actually appears. There should be more writers will be found to be a plot to write. In addition, there is always the possibility that the project early is fired. Nintendo and Netflix did not want the coverage to respond.