Tsipras celebrates and calls to fight on



Tsipras celebrates and calls to fight on

A year ago, won the left party Syriza parliamentary elections in Greece. Premier Tsipras fights until today, on all fronts. A new confrontation with the donors seems to be no longer excluded.

Furthermore, in Kampflaune – Alexis Tsipras

It was like the old days: Full of enthusiasm, said Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Sunday evening (24.1.) to his people in the full gymnasium of Faliron, near the port city of Piraeus. As usual called the Linkspolitiker for battle “for the” hope ” and against the “Establishment”.

But there is a serious difference to before: Since exactly one year ago ruled that is not the “Establishment”, but Tsipras himself, while he hated Greek Conservatives in Opposition to remain, and still with the processing of your Wahlniederlagen in January and September 2015 are busy.

And what has the hopes Tsipras in the last year as the Prime Minister to show for it? To his Successes belong to according to own data of the whereabouts of Greece in the Euro, although “some of the partners” given to crisis-stricken country to kick wanted. Also have his government of the democratic deficit in Europe, said the Premier in front of enthusiastic supporters in Faliron.

The former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis fought against the austerity measures and lost

“The balance of the linksgeführten government so far is catastrophic,” says, in contrast to the Athenian political scientist Levteris Koussoulis, in an interview with DW. In its negotiations with the international donors have the Premier repeated confrontation is set and barely achieved something. In his first year in office was Greece politically and economically fallen behind, says the Analyst.

Polarization rather than agreement

Worse yet, Koussoulis, however, that in the political debate in Hellas an even clearer Black-and-White scheme creeps in: “Here we are, the fight, and there are other donors willing to submit to – this is the Schema of the part of aggressive guided political debate,” says the political scientist.

Reached its peak the path of confrontation last June, as Tsipras a Referendum on the Schuldenstreit — and even sided with: The Greeks should be closed against the EU partners and donors imposed austerity vote, warns of the Linkspremier. “At this time it had a political Trick used, to the negotiating position of Tsipras abroad, but also within his own party to strengthen. This Trick was in the short term, convened the Referendum,” explains Koussoulis.

Turn to realism

On 5. July was followed by the Greek voters, the desire of your government and voted overwhelmingly against the prospect of austerity measures. Thereupon prophesied analysts the end of the Eurozone as we know it. But it was different.

Only a few days later signed Tsipras and the international lenders for a new bailout package for Greece. It took the Linkspremier painful austerity measures in purchase, in some cases, even on the left, what the voters just rejected.

Realitätseinsicht or a tactical feint of Linkspremiers, to gain time? The conservative MEPs Jorgos Kyrtsos, actually, a political opponent of Tsipras, believes the former. “Mr. Tsipras has, in my opinion, an honest turn for the realism down. The best proof is that he last summer and his former Finance Minister Varoufakis fired and almost the entire Linksflügel of the own party is shaken,” says the Europapolitiker in an interview with DW. Tsipras is a smart young man and I eventually came to understand that he is in a dead end hineinmanövriere, says Kyrtsos.

Tsipras (r) has a Challenger: Kyriakos Mitsotakis from the opposition party, Nea Demokratia

Political scientist Koussoulis is there still skeptical: Although Tsipras is a realistic turn is completed, however, it was not least tactics. “Tsipras wants to gain time and keep all possibilities open – even the Option of a new confrontation with the donors is not off the table, if he’s in control of the situation or loses important reforms in Parliament in danger of failing,” believes the Analyst.

More yet: There were even concrete signs of a harder line Athens in the next few weeks or months. “The other day claiming one or the other Regierungspolitiker, Greece would by the financier extorted, for example in the negotiations on the forthcoming pension reform. That sounds like the old, belligerent Syriza party, such as we have in the past summer experienced”, Koussoulis to keep in mind.

The Crux Of The Matter Opposition

In his first year in office benefited Tsipras last but not least, of the powerlessness of the Opposition. With the election of the new Conservative boss Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the beginning of January seems the honeymoon period for the Prime Minister to be over. In recent polls, the Conservatives again after a long time in front with a lead of up to four percent prior to the ruling left party.

The EU delegates Kyrtsos is emphasized optimistic and explained that the 47-year-old Mitsotakis was a real Reformer, of the Linksregierung challenge could. The head of government sees the inherently different: Mitsotakis would still be long on the Oppositionsbank remain, said Tsipras on Sunday evening in front of his regulars.