Corrupt S-pamp convicted of bribery


Published 8 May 2021 at 09.59

Domestic. On Tuesday, the chairman of the municipal board in Ljusdal, Markus Evensson (S), was convicted of bribery by Hudviksvall District Court, the police write on their website.

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The district court sentences the politician for taking a bribe to a 40-day fine of a total of just over SEK 17,000.

– This is a bit unusual because we have not had so many verdicts against or investigations with politicians involved , says Corinne Salomonsson, investigator at NOA's Anti-Corruption Group, in a statement.

According to the ruling, the company Destination Järvsö AB gave him a trip to Scotland for a value of SEK 7,000 in 2019. This at the same time as the municipality prepared business with the company.