Economy is the climate package is critical


Mostly critical reactions of the economy to fall on the climate decisions of the Federal government. However, depending on the industry, there is also praise for the measures to be taken by the Union and the SPD.

The decisions of the Federal government to protect the climate have caused in the economy and leading economic research institutes with a divided response. It includes some of the key choices – in spite of the climate protection package of the Big coalition, it was so criticised in business circles, not a great throw. Although industry languages associations on Friday of important decisions. The 54-billion-Euro package, however, is unbalanced, ineffective, and harmful to Germany as a business location. The associations of DIHK and BDI warned of further detailed work and quick to provide clarity for companies. Even greater reductions in the price of Electricity would be needed than previously planned. The German export economy, and Economists warned of a German alone in the energy transition.

The tips of the Grand coalition had agreed on a package of measures, the climate protection goals for 2030 with the managed to be. As a Central Element of climate-damaging carbon dioxide (CO2) will get a prize, and gasoline and Diesel, heating oil and natural gas more expensive. In return for the CO2 pricing on a trade in pollution rights, there should be relief and incentives. The chambers of industry and Commerce (DIHK) warned of a cost to Benefit analysis of the measures, “before the package is in the implementation”. With the introduction of a pollution rights trading in the transport and in the case of buildings, a decision for “market economic climate, the protection had been” taken. Which, in turn, planned reductions in the cost of electricity were, however, out of all proportion to the higher prices for Diesel and natural gas.

The aviation industry fears the consequences of a “national loss”

DIHK: “actions to make climate protection more expensive than necessary”

The President of the German industry and trade chamber DIHK Eric Schweitzer, told the Reuters news Agency, a lot of detail expected measures with unclear costs that Germany will “get the most climate protection per Euro”. In the overall concept from the point of view of the Economics of innovation-friendly incentives of CO2 should not be squared pricing through detailed technology specifications counter: “This will make climate protection more expensive than necessary.”

The President of the Mannheim research Institute ZEW, Achim Wambach, the decisions overwhelmingly positive: “The pressure from the street has worked. The current proposals in the climate Cabinet are an important step toward an effective German contribution to international climate policy.” Foreign trade President Holger Bing man holds the decision-in-principle for the certificate trading for “completely right”. However, many costly individual are not measures skeptical to avenge the approach to the same sustainable success promise.

Also Ifo President Clemens Fuest sees this as a weak point of the package: “the problem with the climate package is that many of the supplementary measures have been taken, which are expensive and the efficiency effects of the CO2-certificate trading may affect.” So the combination of the prohibition of Oil heating, and a certificate of trade for the building sector was “inconsistent”. To assess a positive effect of the planned Expansion of Public transport is.

A critique of “national solo”

According to the economic Christoph Schmidt the resolutions of the climate Cabinet partially in the right direction: “The announced throw the package but is not.” With the decisions taken at the climate were to reach goals for 2030 are difficult, said Economist Claudia Kemfert from the Berlin-based research Institute DIW. The Federal government opted for a relatively expensive way, because there is a Preponderance of incentives, such as purchase premiums for electric mobility: “At the same time, environmental hazards harmful subsidies down – keyword diesel privilege and a commuter allowance.”

Also at the company level climate decisions have found a different Echo: Thyssenkrupp, said that the decisions were a step forward, bringing Germany to the goal of greenhouse gas neutrality in more detail. Lufthansa criticized the fact that a significant increase in the air traffic control damage to the location Germany and the competitive position of the German Airlines in comparison to the international competition’s weakness: “It is more than questionable whether it would be beneficial for the climate can be achieved. Sure, the serious economic disadvantages of a purely national response.”

tko/dk (rtr, dpa)