OECD: Fewer asylum seekers, work migrants


The latest migration report by the industrial countries-Organisation calls on governments to be more open. Then the benefits of Migration could recognize, without denying the problems.

Labour migration: Young adults come to the training to Germany

The most important number sounds completely undramatic: 2018, the number of permanent migrants in OECD countries rose by two per cent to 2017. In absolute terms, the Western industrial countries took in the past year, approximately 5.3 million permanent migrants new. The first target country of the United States, followed by Germany. In addition to the United States and Germany, more than 30 other countries, most of which have high Per-capita income of the organization for economic cooperation and development, known as OECD, to include,.

Interestingly, the Details in the OECD migration report. This is because the upper term Migration of very different groups and motivations are hidden. The by far largest part of the Migration, temporary labour migration is accounted for. 2017 (no number for 2018 is available), this amounted to approximately 4.9 million people, an increase of 11 percent compared to 2016. Perhaps surprisingly, Poland from all OECD countries of migrants for the first goal of temporary work, followed by the USA.

Even if asylum-seekers are often in the discussion in the foreground, they accounted for 2018 only a small part of the migrants. Their number fell by 2018 to one Million. In comparison to the record years 2015 and 2016, a decline of a third. In the countries of origin of asylum seekers ranked as Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Venezuela. Because of the decline of the asylum seekers the number of registered refugees declined to 2018. The most recent detailed Figures are here by 2017. At the time of 700,000 residence permits were issued, compared with 900,000 in the year 2016.

Asylum seekers make up only a small part of the Migration

More Restrictions

Many OECD countries have tightened their policy towards all forms of Migration. In the case of migrant workers, are you looking more for high skills. Family reunification and asylum procedures were often more restrictive.

The labour market opportunities of migrants have improved in the meantime. On average, 2018, two-thirds of all migrants in the OECD countries, work had was, their employment rate by only 2.4 percentage points lower than that of the native population. However, there are large differences from country to country. So were employed in France and Italy, only around 40 per cent of all migrants.

Germany was the second most important destination of migrants

In the case of a further decline in asylum-seekers and Refugees, the target countries are focusing now instead on the recording of the newcomers strengthened their Integration. It is, for example, to language acquisition, to familiarise with values of the host country and to the establishment and recognition of educational qualifications.


The report says that in view of the continued high level of migrants to the Concerns of the local population in numbers. Questions such as who is allowed into the country and there is a legal stop, whether or not migrants are allowed to catch up with your family and when, who may acquire citizenship and what are the consequences of Migration for the host society has, in many countries is very controversial, to the OECD. Therefore, the control of Migration and the Integration of migrants one of the great challenges in any society.

However, the Migration office, there was nothing New. The migration flows were to continue at a record level, nevertheless, in many societies, a distorted perception. Immigrants were often the scapegoats for problems that have nothing to do with you.

Meanwhile, Venezuela is 4. Authority of the country of origin

So many people reduced Migration on humanitarian grounds and mistook legal Migrantion illegal. Often the perception is that Migration is uncontrolled and expensive for the social security funds, and the migrants ‘ way to take the Locals jobs. This impression of the OECD to combat. Several studies disproved this. A smart managed Migration could bring to both the destination and the origin countries, economic and social Benefits.

Nevertheless, it would be fundamentally wrong, warns the Organisation, to wipe the Worries of the Locals aside. Because it is not only the economic and labour market issues. The skepticism about the willingness for Integration of migrants must be taken seriously. You have to cope with can migrants expect that they assumed, for example, the values and basic standards of conduct of the host country. This could be a reward, for example, so that a permanent residence status will depend on.

There is also a loser

It is important also to recognize that Migration is mostly beneficial overall for society, but not for any social group. Low-skilled immigrants gathered often in already impoverished big cities. Their number is very large, can put a stop to the low-skilled Native workers, but under pressure. Here it was, the Problem of the unequal distribution of Before – and the night of the Migration rush to recognize and to help the losers, calls for the OECD.

Migration can bring all of the Benefits, if you have you right hand, says the OECD

The report advertises also for a clear information policy of the governments. The Locals should know, how many refugees and migrants come into the country and for what reasons, where they lived and worked and how their integration opportunities. Is quoted the most recent Eurobarometer, according to which 60 percent of EU citizens feel sufficiently on Migration in your country. The Europeans overestimate the actual number of migrants doubled. The OECD report concludes, the information policy of the governments leave much to be desired. Because acceptance of Migration depended crucially on governments dealt openly with the theme.