“Didn’t want to…”


The Meeting between Boris “Hulk” Johnson, and EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, ended without result. While the Premier spoke of the “outline” of a deal, defendant, the hosts, the Lack of concrete proposals.

The most pointed remark of Luxembourg’s Premier, Xavier Bettel on the sidelines after he left at the end of his Solo press conference in the headquarters: “The not wanted…”, he glanced at the assembled journalists. Where it remained unclear whether he was referring to Johnson’s refusal to speak to the press or the much more important refusal to respond specifically to the problems of a new Brexit-Deals to. He could see “the outline of an agreement”, had Johnson been previously declared in an exclusive interview, away from the waiting press pack. The Problem seems to be that it can be seen in the EU, no one else.

Nice that you met

Lunch with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson took two hours, but remained without any tangible result. In a statement, the EU complained that the British Prime Minister had brought no concrete proposals, such as a new solution for the Irish Backstop the main obstacle in the exit agreement could look like.

Just before lunch: The British Prime Minister Johnson, with EU Commission President Juncker

Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, had met with his British Opposite in the same old town of Luxembourg restaurant as the chef – in a Private room, mind you – called the Meeting after “fruitful”. That is to say, in diplomatic language, “nothing came out”. Nevertheless, the EU remains steadfast in its line that it will as long as continue to negotiate, as the British want it. It seems to go now all about the buck for a Failure to avert.

Boris Johnson had spoken on the weekend of the “great advances” in search of a new Deal. To not worry that the Partner in Luxembourg in the word would want to take, but that he was so travelled without a piece of paper, a sketch, or an outline for a solution, then seemed to but for Frustration.

The incredible Hulk is on the run

A small but vocal group of mainly British Brexit opponents accompanied the Premier during his Luxembourg-visit. They were yelling “Boo” and “Stop Brexit” as it is known since long from London. It was also agreed with the European anthem, but the threat of a squad of a maximum of one hundred Protestierern was not rather.

Nevertheless, they were annoying enough to beat Boris Johnson in the run. He was compared at the weekend, with the super-strong comic character “the incredible Hulk”, said the joint press conference with Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel short-hand. “It was too loud, you would have to hold the press conference in the headquarters”, afterwards common the British side. “It was not to in the short term, we have enough space”, declared against the people of Luxembourg.

Alone Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel at a press conference without Boris Johnson

Anyway, at the end of begging alone at his Desk, pointed to the empty seat next to her and said everything was burning him in terms of Brexit for a long time on the soul. If Britain was unhappy with the previous Form of the exit agreement, which was signed in November last year by the then head of government Theresa May, then you need “more than words, namely, a legally binding Text.”

Charm: “I didn’t want this Brexit, I regret it deeply”

The British had always been close allies in Europe, but London should not take the future hostage for “party political advantage”. “Johnson has to make a decision”, and running out of time. Bettel spoke more and more into a Rage: You’ve still got a paper out on the table, “stop talking, is”!

The solidarity of the 27 in the EU, with Ireland but more strongly. In any case, mendicant refuses to get the blame for a Failure of the talks with the British and a hard Brexit slipped. “I didn’t want this Brexit, I regret it deeply”, he was a homemade British Problem. He had talked with Johnson about a second Referendum, the Luxembourg head of government, but the rest of these down. Even if you could, but in the next few weeks, at the EU level was not even clear whether the British Prime Minister in the Parliament for an agreement, a majority.

Whether he thought that the Meeting only for the theatre, for a Show that was begging asked. “This is not to blame,” replied the Luxembourg. “It is the Tories who have decided were to hold this Referendum,” no one except you is responsible for the consequences. The Problem was only in London, and “I am not responsible for the mess that we are currently experiencing”, after he shot still.

Now what?

After this rather startling appearance in Luxembourg, the question remains open, what is Boris Johnson’s intention in Brexit. He wants to actually make compromises for a solution to the Backstop problem, then he would have to come fairly quickly out of cover. For only in this way that he would abide by the rules for agriculture and food, has not done it. The details are complicated, and the EU wants far more in order to guarantee the security of your internal market. Is Johnson at all willing and politically capable of such concessions? The guesswork about his true intentions goes even further after this Meeting.