A lot of hype about Margaret Atwoods novel, “The stuff inside”


Margaret Atwood, best-selling book “The zoo story” gets a sequel: “The stuff inside” suggests, even before the appearance date on the 10. September-high waves. The expectations of the new Atwood novel are high.

After her novel “appeared in The Report of the maid” in the year 1985, has been described, the today 79-year-old writer Margaret Atwood as a “champion of the dystopia”, because she writes in her book, on the gloomy and cool style about totalitarianism. Even if it is a fictional work, has worn the canadian author of many depressing facts about the oppression of women around the world. The book was a Bestseller. 50 million Times and has sold “The Report of the maid” in the world.

“Report of the maid” is based on historical events

“It is all for, what I describe in the book, historical templates. Everything that I tell, is anywhere ever happened,” said Atwood in an Interview with the magazine “People” in the year 2017. In fact, you do not need to go far back in history to find a Parallel in Nazi-Germany, in Chile during the Pinochet dictatorship, or in the turmoil of the Iranian Revolution, to name just a few examples.

Margaret Atwood received in 2017, the peace prize of the German book trade

But it is not the past, appreciate the reader of Atwood’s prose; her Fans admire their far-sightedness, in the unsettling Parallels to the present day to open up. “I don’t like it, to have the right to have rights means that we are where we are. And this is not a funny place,” said Atwood, a few months after the inauguration of US President Donald Trump.

Existing women’s rights were curtailed under Trump in the United States, for example through the appointment of judges to the Supreme court to restrict abortions. Atwood explained that the book you’ve written as a vision of the future for the year 2005, as well as the subsequent TV series that would have caused so much attention that you have decided to write a sequel.

The women’s movement wears red

The series, filmed from the streaming service Hulu, in the year of 2017, was a contemporary adaptation of the 30-year-old novel. The United States will be transformed in the “Report of the maid” in a Theo empowered to take-totalitarian state. Overnight, the series Atwoods story made a sex slave by the name of Desfred, who lives in the Republic of Gilead, and popular. The population is barren, only a few women can give birth. The sad task of the protagonist is to pass it to child-bearing and rights of girls to tyrannical male leaders. Of them you will be pregnant, such as reproductive machines and carry the children for their wives.

Elisabeth Moss plays the main role in the series “The zoo story”

To call this world as a misogynist, would be an understatement; some of the scenes of the TV series can easily compete with the worst pictures that we know of the reign of terror of the “Islamic state” in Iraq or Syria.

From television to the street

The scarlet robes and the snow-white caps worn by Desfred, and the service girls in the series, the women’s movement, in the meantime, to own. Activists wear in accordance with the Gilead girl from the series. “We do not yet live in the land of Gilead, but there are developments, such as Gilead,” said Atwood at the Start of the TV series. “There are things that happen in our country that restrict the rights of women, extreme, and to me give the feeling that this book becomes a reality,” added the actress, and Emmy award-winner Elisabeth Moss added, which plays the main role. But Atwood’s novel is not only bleak, there are also moments of hope, to make women and minorities have the courage to fight for their rights.

Also “The witnesses” to be filmed

For the sequel is now stirred for months vigorously to drum up business. The Jury of the Booker prize, 2019 awarded laurels and continued the novel “The witnesses” already a week before the release on the Shortlist. MGM Studios and the Streaming platform Hulu, the news Agency Agence France-Presse confirmed that they were already working on an adaptation of the new novel – and also the fourth season of “Report of the maid” is already in pre-production.

You write these books, so they are not true, said Atwood about her Motivation. The new Band plays 15 years after the events of “Report of the maid” and is told from three different perspectives. Much more is not yet known. But that will change soon: London’s bookshops are the 10. September at midnight to open their doors to Fans allow to come in and want to get hold of a first edition.