Allow and trust


God holds us“: a Psalm verse from the death of their neighbor, Dr. Christine Hober of the Catholic Church moved. When a fate, trusting in God really accept?

“God that carries us and our help”: when is the Moment that questions and doubts in the Hand of God to your own fate, to accept in trust in God?

On my morning walk with my dog, I meet more recently every day to our neighbors. Bernhard greets always friendly, always approachable and never in a bad mood. For that, I admire him, because Bernhard carries a heavy burden: in addition to his Job, he accompanied his wife, Sabine, of the remains according to their diagnosis of cancer, there is little time to live, he also takes care of the children.

A few weeks later, I discover in the newspaper Sabine’s obituary with the Heading: “Blessed be the Lord day-to-day that carries us, the God who is our help.” This Verse from Psalm 68 reflects the Confidence and serene confidence, because I have admired Bernhard always. In the middle of the life of such a fate brave to accept, especially since the kids have to go their way without the accompaniment of their mother, which appears to be hard for me to imagine…

More believers Serenity

“Blessed be the Lord day-to-day…” – I feel deeply ashamed and wonder what I have actually praised the last of the Lord’s –day certainly not. Although I had every reason to be. But again and again I let myself from the recurring, sometimes just annoying problems with my normal everyday life out of the track, which would bear a Portion of creditor Serenity certainly easier to.

“Blessed be the Lord day-to-day that carries us, the God who is our help.” In the Bible, Selah stands at the end of this Verse “”. In the Psalms of the Old Testament, Sela is an often recurring tone, which is interpreted in the song as an indication of a resting point or the end of a verse marked. “… the God of our help, Selah”, that is not less than a: we must trust that God is always at our side. This Psalm verse invites us to pause: the time of the question mark, and the time for our questions to God is over. Because God sustains us, God is our help, so it is formulated in this Psalm of David, which is probably one of the oldest in the old Testament Psalms. A Psalm, has a comprehensive praise and worship to God and his deeds to the content and also speaks of “the Lord God” can lead “to the death” (68,21).

“Blessed be the Lord day-to-day that carries us, the God who is our help” – the words of this Psalm all join me Tomorrow Morning on my walk with my dog. Of course, I also meet sometime, Bernhard and speak to him in the obituary. He talks about why Sabine chose this Psalm, and that the way to trust make a full Case for both of you with lots of question marks was provided. Why Sabine, why this terrible disease, why all this – why was saddled with just her and her family such a burden. However, Sabine had been rooted in the Faith that have helped her to give your questions and doubts at some point in God’s Hand and their fate in the trust to adopt him. The poetic language of the Psalms have fallen Sabine has always been, and in reading the Psalms, you’ve found strength and peace.

Trust, the Confidence, and gives Serenity

At some point, the time of the question mark would have been over: that was the time when she decided to make no further more therapy. Treatment with the usual negative side effects and side effects would have demanded all their strength and concentration for a limited period of time to Survive. The possibility of a contemplation, of a conscious-Aussöhnens with your life and with God you would not have been possible. Sabine wanted to be prepared for what awaited them in the hour of their death, and beyond death. You have to trust that God is carrying you, and the hope of a life after death, have given her, finally, the Confidence and Serenity, to pray: “Blessed be the Lord day-to-day that carries us, the God who is our help.”


Christine Hober, Dr. of theology, working as a lecturer and author. She lives in Bonn, is married and has two children.





Editorial responsibility: Martin Cords, Catholic radio representative, and Alfred Herrmann