The “wrong” Religion can be fatal


Fear factor is Religion: According to a new study by the Pew Reserch center, state repression and social discrimination to take to the believers in the world – also in Germany.

Of religious hatred: In Diabaly in Mali, attacks on churches panic and escape from solve

The number of countries where specific religious groups are social hostility to takes. This is the result of a recent study by the Pew Research center, which examined laws and practices for dealing with religions in 198 countries. Thereafter, the number of countries in which people are exposed to religious violence has, between 2007 and 2017 from 39 to 56 Nations increases.

In Germany, religious animosities belong to everyday life. According to the protection of the Constitution report 2018 453 crimes with a “religious have been in the past year-ideological Motivation” registered. All the same, The Numbers are on the decline. 2017 907 offences were counted with the same Motivation.

Danger in the refugee’s home

Among the scenes of religious violence in Germany in accommodation for asylum seekers. “The violence in refugee accommodation is extreme,” says Dittmar Steiner of the secular refugee assistance “Atheist Refugee”. “Men don’t openly say they believe in God, will always be beaten.”

Steiner recalls a particularly shocking case. “We have been in charge of an asylum seeker from Mauritania, against the from the home country, a Fatwa was imposed. He had gespostet in the case of Facebook, after a train crash in Cairo: “How can Allah allow it, that so many Muslims are killed?”

After the attack on a Jewish Professor in Bonn, the city continued with a “day of the Kippa” is a sign against anti-Semitism

In the year 2007, this kind of religious enemy was limited to hostilities, according to the Pew Research study entitled “A closer look at how religious restrictions have risen around the world” (a Closer look at the global increase in religious restrictions) on four European countries. In 2017, there were already 15 countries in Europe.

Growing Anti-Semitism

Victims include not only self-confessed atheists, but representatives of all religions, including Muslims of different currents, Christians, and Jews. Florian Eisheuer of the Amadeu-Antonio-Foundation, confirmed the development.

“For years, Jewish men and women describe a worsening of their Situation in Germany,” explains the head of the action weeks against anti-Semitism at the Foundation. “Most people expect that the situation continues to deteriorate.”

Eisheuer refers to a study by the University of Bielefeld from April 2017, on “Jewish perspectives on anti-Semitism in Germany”. After that, 70 percent of respondents to the Jews feared that anti-Semitism will increase because anti-Semitic attitudes among the refugees. At the same time, 84 percent said that the anti-Semitism in Germany is also independent of refugees is a Problem.

Preacher undesirable

Also at the state level have exacerbated the prohibitions and restrictions by legal and bureaucratic obstacles to religious groups. According to the Pew Center, the number of countries that practice such restrictions increased, between 2007 and 2017, from 40 to 52 States. Also China, Russia, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia came to be.

Particularly strong, at 72 per cent, grew the state control of religious communities in the Middle East and North Africa. With the exception of Lebanon, according to the Pew Research Center, all of the 20 countries in the Region would prefer a certain Religion. In 17 countries, Islam is the state religion.

Not more religious

However, with the state-prescribed religion is also a growing scepticism of the religions and their clergy seems to go hand in hand. A survey conducted by the research network “Arab Barometer reveals,”Princeton University, secularization trends in the Arab world.

The opinion poll from June of this year, commissioned by the BBC based on the Statements of more than 25,000 inhabitants from eleven Arab countries. To the Yemen, the proportion of the population that defined themselves as “not religious” has increased in the period from 2013 to 2018 in all eleven countries.

In Indonesia the police to protect demonstrators, protesting against the expulsion of the Rohingyas

Most of the development in Tunisia, where in 2018, has described a third of the population as “non-religious”. In 2013, the proportion was ten percent. In Morocco, the share of the four increased to ten per cent, and in Libya from ten to 25 per cent and in Algeria of seven to twelve percent. In Iraq, Jordan and the Palestinian territories, however, the Trend is hardly noticeable.

Perhaps this explains also a positive Trend from the study by the Pew Researc center: Between 2007 and 2017, “inter-religious tensions and violence” in the world diminished. 2017, in 57 countries, clashes between different religious groups. This was 34 less than in 2007.