Young Iranians see no future in their homeland


In view of the growing tensions with the United States, a lack of prospects and Frustration in Iran is wide. Especially younger, well-educated Iranians consider increasingly, to leave the country.

Javad busy learning English. He wants to emigrate. “I studied Marketing and have a few years of work experience. Our economy is now on the ground. Many companies have gone bankrupt. The Situation is getting worse every day,” laments the 28-year-old in the Mail-exchange with the DW.

Fear and hopelessness are like a shadow over the country. The tensions between the US and Iran since a year, clearly. After attacks on two oil Tankers in the Gulf of Oman on 13. June 2019 accuse the United States to put Iran behind the attacks. The US government presented Videos as evidence, their authenticity can, however, do not check. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the attitude of the US government in Berlin on Tuesday: “We take these comments very seriously, and there is also high Evidence.” Nevertheless, negotiations are the right way to go.

Iran’s economy is in crisis

Nuclear deal

For a long time accuse the US of Iran to promote terrorism in the Region and to ensure instability. A year ago, the U.S. had terminated then, under the leadership of President Donald Trump, a long-negotiated nuclear agreement unilaterally. The nuclear agreement (exact designation: Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) provided for, among other things, that Iran restrict its enrichment of uranium to be weapons-grade Plutonium exported and regular inspections by the International atomic energy Agency (IAEA) permits. In return, Iran abolition of the nuclear program-related sanctions and aid for economic development was promised.

Although Iran has fulfilled its side of the deal, as the IAEA has repeatedly confirmed, announced the USA on the Deal and started a “campaign of maximum pressure”. To do this, above all, comprehensive economy, included sanctions. The European Union tried, by the US pressure built up with measures to bypass the sanctions to mitigate, failed but.

Pressure charged the youth

“Our country is at an impasse and I don’t think we can come out of misery,” says Javad. He grew up in the North of Iran. His family owns rice fields and lives as farmers. Javad wanted to live a different way, and is drawn in the capital. “I had to work hard to be able to be in Tehran for the first time. Our country is organised in a more centralised and Tehran is the heart of the country. Only here you have the Chance at a different life. But now many think like me and want to emigrate.”

In fact, almost a third of Iranians would prefer to live in another country – that is, the culture Commissioner of the city of Tehran. Mohammadreza Javadi Yeganeh, wrote on Twitter: “According to a study want to be 29.8 per cent of the population because of the social, cultural and moral Situation of the country in a different country. It is sad. Even sadder, This is the result of a study from the year 2016, as the us is better”.

(Archive) Protest against unemployment and Inflation in Isfahan

High Emigration Rates

Iran since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the countries with high rates of Emigration of academics, Intellectuals and scientists. Official statistics do not exist, but in may 2012, the Iranian daily newspaper “Sharq” published the results of a study on the emigration of excellent pupils and students. As a reference you choose different annual International student competitions such as the Junior science Olympiad (ISJO), or the International mathematics Olympiad (IMO). While Iran has not sent each year, a Delegation, but if, then, the participants were able to compete in the international competition quite.

According to the study, 70 percent of all medal winners in physics, 77 percent of the winners in math, and 50 percent of the Best in chemistry and information technology are emigrated shortly after completion of their training. According to a study by the U.S. government in March 2019 ( leaves every fourth well-educated Iranians out of his country, if he has the opportunity to do so. The reason, according to the US-study: The hope of a more social and religious freedoms and better prospects for good employment.

The airport in Tehran

With the forces at the end of

“Bad news flooding us on a daily basis. Every day we are confronted with events in our life on the head, which we cannot influence but,” Farzane Ebrahimzadeh brings the concern of many Iranians to the point where the control over her life slipping away. The freelance journalist is conducting research on the contemporary history of Tehran. More than 30,000 Users to follow your projects in social networks such as Twitter. It is, for example, to the tireless struggle of women for equality and a better life.
Ebrahimzadeh, but it is now tired and resigned. In a DW interview, she confirmed that many of their country people. “My hope for a better future in Iran is almost zero. Last year, I was able to plan at least a week for my life. Now I plan the highest for the next hour.”

There are no signs that could improve the situation in Iran in the foreseeable future. On the contrary, The Iranian government has provided the remaining contractual partners of the nuclear agreement an Ultimatum. Iran will, therefore, final at 7. July 2019 under the agreement will not be getting off, if the country is to receive at last the prospect of an economic prejudice.