Good drone, bad reputation?


Drones to spy, to zip, and actually have nothing Good in mind. Right? Wrong! Quadrocopter could do so much more. What we make of it is entirely up to us. Here are a couple of flagship examples

They are drones, the small, sum of the Bad Boys of our technological progress:. The perfect espionage tool, an Autonomous weapon. But hey – they also make great landscape shots. I’ll give them that.

Evil Drone!

But mainly, the term “drone is fraught with” just negative. A study by the German centre for air and space travel (DLR), in the case of 2018, the acceptance of drones was conducted.

The majority of the 1000 study participants with drones, therefore, espionage and Surveillance, but also with video recordings and surveys. However think of when you hear the word “drone” only 16 percent of the respondents to the military and weapons. The hope, with regard to the General reputation of the Quadrocopter.

And after all, 53 per cent are adjusted civilian drones to “be more positive”. In services of fire, rescue, and research, there is a high approval to use. Concerned, respondents are more likely to be in terms of the possible abuse.

Click here to read: Are killer robots & co. still controllable?

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Artificial intelligence in the swarm

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Artificial intelligence in the swarm

Here are a few examples of how the world drones are a bit better could make.

Robot bees: Summ, summ, summ!

Have you even thought about where the drone has their name on it? No? The solution is so obvious: From your buzzing yellow-and-black model. As a drone (or a drone) is in fact also referred to the male animal in the case of honey bees, bumblebees and wasps. The robot bee is your animal Related to the Hand, so it is a matter of honor and important!

Because bees contribute to the pollination of around 80 per cent of our domestic crops and wild plants, and provide also a valuable honey. The basis for the honey the nectar the bees from the flowers of trees, shrubs, and flowers collect.

Bees (the Real ones) next to pigs and cattle to the main farm animals – which we make life by mono-cultures and the use of pesticides, however, quite heavy.

Read more here: insects are dying: Make the bees and beetles and the world?

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?

    Sugar Sweet Crystals

    What is seen here, comes to all of us, probably as the first in the sense, when we think of bees: honey. Here were made at 100-fold magnification, and by using polarized light, the sugar crystals are visible. For a jar of honey bees must visit about 450,000 to three million flowers.

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?


    What is not many, however, really aware of The pure, sticky honey in the glass is just a tiny part of the production range of the bees. This symbolic and effective action of a super market should make the recently significantly. 60 percent of the articles have been sorted out. All of the products that would not exist without the hard-working insects. There were empty shelves remained.

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?

    Bees Know-how

    And especially bee are not the same bee. A wild bee, for example, no honey, but it is a particularly efficient Bestäuberin – and, in particular, to you it is, if the bees die, the speech is. Also, bumblebees are wild bees species. Honey bees have a concern, however, is less fundamental, since they are farm animals and bee hives of people are held.

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?

    (K)an Apple per day

    And of course there are other pollinators besides bees, butterflies, flies, or birds for example. But about a third of our fruit and vegetables are from the pollination by bees-dependent. This includes Apples, pears include, for example, strawberries, cucumber. And that is what we would do without all of the hate, is it?

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?

    Small Goods Customer

    But back in the supermarket. It is obvious, that without bees, not only the fruit and vegetable shelves remain empty. In addition, all of the foods that contain the additive E 901 missing, what corresponds to the European approval number of bees wax. Of such products, there is a whole lot.

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?


    Currently, the bees wax from the food industry is indispensable. It comes, for example – as here – as a Coating and release agent of rubber fruit so that the gummy bears don’t all stick to each other – lucky! The same is true for a whole range of other Sweet and baked goods.

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?

    Pretty and durable

    And why is our chocolate often looks so beautiful? Not because, as here, the insects are draped. But here, too, is thanks to the industrious bees, or E 901, the chocolate pretty Shine. Also fruits and vegetables is often declared as “waxed” so that it loses less moisture and longer shelf-life and appetizing(he) looks like.

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?

    No Cocoa

    Speaking of chocolate: Without bees, there will be the also in Abundance, because even our bees assist in the pollination of all the work. In an emergency, only the extremely tedious and a lot of ineffizientere pollination by Hand would be. The same goes for nuts.

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?

    Caffeine kick for all

    Not only people, but also bees on caffeine, which has shown an Experiment with caffeine-free and caffeine-containing sugar-water. The industrious insects themselves were in search of the drying up of the source is still constantly a caffeine kick. At the same time the bees provide through pollination, but also for our (hopefully) never-ending supply of coffee beans.

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?

    Lost Diversity

    How many words thanks to the efforts of the bees in our shopping, can still be difficult to demonstrate – as the above articles, for example, a variety of spices, marinades, dairy products or even toilet paper with chamomile scent. What we are perhaps less dependent than fruit and vegetables….

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?

    Our bees!

    Nevertheless, it is clear how much we benefit from the hard work of the animals and that we would have to change without the active support of the insects quite beautiful. Not only in the world bienentag we should therefore pay tribute.

  • Bees: What are we left with without them?

    How to help?

    For the protection of bees is not only a restrained use of pesticides by agriculture. Also, you can do something to protect the animals: insect hotels serve bees as a nesting and wintering ability, flowers in the balcony box, and fruit trees are on the Lawn in a safe and secure source of food.

    Author: Hannah Fox

Therefore, scientists and Start-Ups worldwide in a pollination aid. A Japanese team of researchers has reconstructed, for example, a mini copter so that it can pollinate plants. It is intended to support bees in the arduous work. The robot bee from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Tsukuba can fly in and out of a Plant, while the Pollen record and the next flowering again Stripping.

Researchers of the American Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences are working on a RoboBee. For twelve years it has lasted up to the feasibility study, i.e. the prototypes. The shows, which is the art of engineering required to have the Original to recreate.

The technical copy from Harvard comes to your model, however, is already very close to 120 beats a second, creating the two ceramic wings like a real insect. Only RoboBee is made up of tiny plastic consists of hinges and a carbon fiber body. And: she’s still on a leash, which it supplies with power. For your use on the field is still unusable.

The drop copter, a US Start-Up, the pollination is somewhat different. In contrast to the Japanese mini-copter and the RoboBee he is not flying to flower of flower, but he distributes the Pollen of large-scale over the flowers. A promising idea!

But so far, none of these approaches comes close to the vibrant Original. Until then, we don’t have to protect himself, our bees by harvest, for example, always, every flower is the same.

SOS: drone, as a Savior in distress

The project SearchWing of the Augsburg University of applied Sciences has to build drone to the target, from a Rescue, which helps to shipwrecked refugees in the Mediterranean sea better.

The Styrofoam drone flies a pre-programmed course, makes images and return to the rescue ship. 100 kilometers is the range of the SearchWing. On a 45-minute flight, the drone shoots over 2000 photos, which are evaluated in the connector and after boot searched. That’s the theory. In practice, this works well – but not always. Before the drone can help can help organizations reliably, there is still some optimization needed.

A different approach to a drone by the name of “Auxdron”, the rescue of the West brings to the Drowning followed. It acts, however, are not Autonomous, but is controlled by a trained lifeguard. He controls the drone using the built-in camera for the victims. Auxdron can fly up to 80 kilometers per hour and is additionally equipped with an infrared camera.

However, that the drones forced to fly, is a mistake. According to the Definition drones to be unmanned, and this is “the Deep Drone 8000”. You can’t fly, but they are immersed. The U.S. Navy has developed this device in order to use it to Rescue at sea in up to 2500 meters in depth – for example, if a U-boat to be evacuated.

Drones do not have to fly. The specialty of “the Deep Drone 8000” is the diving.

Mosquito copter against pests

The mosquito copter has been developed to combat diseases such as Malaria, Zika and Dengue.

The principle is simple, but effective: a small drone distributed sterilized mosquito males in high-risk areas. Mosquito females, the Vectors of dangerous viruses that mate with the exposed males, but no offspring. Because mosquitoes mate only once, so the risk of a further spread of the transmitted, life-threatening viruses is considerably lowered.

With this method, Sterile insect technique (SIT) is called, can keep mosquito populations to be used regularly, sustainably and without harm to the environment is reduced. Refined, or? And for this use of drones are predestined really.

Click here to read: With radio activity against mosquito Sex

Watch the Video 05:52

Drones in agriculture

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Drones in agriculture

In the service of the environment

Yes, drones can monitor, but you can also do this for a good purpose, for example, the deforested rain forests to replant again.

“DroneSeed” is an example of this. The drones are equipped with capsules filled with tree seeds and the shoot you over a certain area. A great relief. Because normally the forests are reforested by Hand. In addition to sowing, the drones can also be equipped with plant protection products, to protect newly growing forests from pests.

Also, the observation of hard-to-reach areas by drones, is clearly easier. The Great Barrier Reef is an example of this, or mangrove forests. To see “instead of just the tree, I see now, for example, the individual leaves. In the reef I can distinguish the various coral and algae. I can detect even fairly well-Sand, starfish, fish and sharks – the things I can on the satellite images do not recognize,” said Karen Joyce, environmental scientist at James Cook University in Cairns, Australia, in the DW-Interview.

Using the drones, surveillance, and infrared cameras, you can make hot and cold water visible. Thus, the researchers can conclude on the dynamics of water flow and how the corals and other creatures of the reef affected. “This is very interesting, because we couldn’t track before without the drone,” says Joyce.

And, are you convinced? At the end, drones are better than their reputation, if we want to.

  • Drone allows a new perspective on the Great Barrier Reef

    Wide angle for the science

    While your work environment researcher Karen Joyce was delighted to receive a magnificent view on the marine life in the Great Barrier Reef. This photo shows a panoramic view of Heron Island. At the bottom right of the image is the flattened, disks are visible-like body of two stingrays.

  • Drone allows a new perspective on the Great Barrier Reef

    On A Discovery Mission

    Joyce sends her flying robot on a pre-programmed Mission. She supports the drone with a remote control and a Computer. Photos of the drone can be downloaded after the Mission. This view of the drone shows the southern part of Heron Reef and the open sea in the direction of the Wistari Reef.

  • Drone allows a new perspective on the Great Barrier Reef

    Nature as the artist

    The Great Barrier Reef is a collection of various sea life. This image shows coral and the algae of Heron Island from a height of 20 meters. A live stream of what can see the drone that is loaded on the Computer of Joyce, but in low resolution.

  • Drone allows a new perspective on the Great Barrier Reef

    Shark encounter from a safe distance

    On the left of the image, sharks are seen swimming in the ship channel from Heron Island. On the right side, the density of corals can be seen. The drone technology offers a huge advantage, by allowing Joyce to monitor hard-to-reach and dangerous regions. Thus, scientists are able to study much larger areas than snorkeling and diving.

  • Drone allows a new perspective on the Great Barrier Reef

    High-Resolution Information

    With the help of the drones, scientists can get much more detailed views, as the satellite could provide. This image shows a high-resolution mosaic of hundreds of individual photos, the shot, the drone of Joyce on the Heron Reef.

  • Drone allows a new perspective on the Great Barrier Reef

    In need of protection

    The Great Barrier Reef is suffering from massive coral bleaching. This is the phenomenon where the corals reject the algae with which they live in symbiosis, and die. The work of researchers such as Karen Joyce could help you figure out what is behind this coral bleaching. Researchers believe that the main reason is the rising water temperatures due to climate change.

    Author: Oleg Ködding-Zurmühlen