German Taboo Topics


Refugees? Islam? A recent study by the opinion research Institute Allensbach shows that many Germans are afraid to burn yourself with Statements on these topics in the mouth.

In the US, the stimulus-figure, Donald Trump has ensured that in some families and friends no longer about the President is spoken. The British, the issue of Brexit similar. And also in Germany the issue of refugees is a hot potato that many citizens avoid the subject rather. In The Circle Of Friends. And in the Public anyway.

“What are sensitive topics, where they burn the mouth when you are talking about?” asked the renowned Institut für demoskopie Allensbach 1283 people in the whole of Germany, and 71 percent selected out of the fourteen response options, the topic of refugees. Also as a absolutely delicate is the issue of Islam classified:.

Gap between Elite and population

Managing Director Renate Köcher has conducted the study and writes in a guest contribution to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: “The excitation of the years 2015 and 2016 has been placed to a large extent. Is the impression that the elites do not take the Concerns of the population seriously enough and even suspected.”

“More topics to be taboo zones” – Renate Köcher, managing Director of the Institute for demo copy of all the Bach

Also in the case of a third party theme, you can Express the opinion of the respondents just be careful: love of country and Patriotism. Especially the development in recent years is remarkable: over two decades Ago, only 16 percent felt Patriotism as a sensitive issue 15 years ago, the figure rose to 26 percent, currently, this is for 41 percent of the German a taboo subject.

“Meanwhile, a third of the population says that a politician should be wary of, to Express national pride, if he wants to expose the harsh attacks,” writes Professor quiver. The citizens were becoming increasingly afraid to be right outside, if you have admitted to being patriots.

Limits of freedom, especially in the public space

Another interesting result of the study of all the Bach that feels since 1947, the Germans on the Tooth: it makes a huge difference to report controversial issues in the circle of friends or in Public to speak to. 59 percent of the population will find, that the private opinions can be freely expressed. In the public space, this ensures that only 18 per cent.

76 percent of the Alexander Gaulands statement to hold, the Nazis had a bird shit in German history, is unacceptable

All Bach has dug deeper at this point and the Germans on the topic of refugees interviewed, according to 61 percent of the respondents as being risky, to Express publicly that for refugees, too much to be done. In the private space are only 31 percent. For Renate Köcher, the freedom of space in the public space is smaller. This includes not only “left-transferred Controversy over important decisions, but also the rigour would have contributed, with the help of certain schemes from voice calls.”

Criticism Of Gender Neutrality

The result is here: Every second citizen is convinced that today much more attention will be paid to how to behave in Public and what they say. Every third German says that freedom of expression only in a private environment possible. And 41 percent criticize the exaggerated Political Correctness.

Many Germans are allergic to gender language

The best example of this: It should not be of the “foreigners” but of “people with a migration background” is spoken. “A term that is no good for academic seminars, but not for the everyday language,” says the pollster. Two out of every three Germans see this as well and find the choice of words is exaggerated. Also the gender neutrality of the majority too far, and makes for a lack of understanding, across all generations and levels of Education, as well as the official launch of the third sex.

A shake of the head in case of subsequent improvements

When Astrid Lindgren’s “Negro king” in “Pippi Longstocking” to the “South sea king” reformulated would have to be, to be by today’s standards, politically correct, is for many the last straw. Three out of four Germans want to leave the original version alone, and subsequent correction proposals in accordance with today’s sensibilities and standards provide a clear rejection, and the trend in recent years is increasing.

Because of Political Correctness Pippi Longstocking change?

Especially the East German population, which, according to the quiver “is still relatively fresh historical memories of regimentation and constriction,” these discussions too far. They are increasingly annoyed by rules, what dürde be said and how to behave.

Respect instead of education

“A lot of citizens miss in the sense of respect that you want to be taken with their Concerns and positions seriously, and that significant developments will be discussed, and they stay on top of educational fury spared” includes Renate Köcher from the Institut für demoskopie Allensbach your guest contribution in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

But all the same, In topics such as climate protection, gender equality, unemployment, or children’s education, the vast majority of Germans do not feel in their freedom of expression is limited.