Constitutional enemies and state hazards


Islamists, Right – and left-wing extremists – the free democratic basic order is not under pressure. But also, because of the policy from the civil-law perspective, does too little for the fundamental rights.

The basic law formulated the basic rights are being threatened from different sides

Germany is a stable democracy. Serious doubts as no one cherishes. And yet a fear and worry can be when the annual report published by the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV), leafing through the pages. The current edition is as thick as a full-blown novel: 359 pages. The content reads in some Places as a mystery, because there is also murder and Terror, espionage, and Sabotage. The stories, however, are not invented, they are real. And prepare the Constitution protectors are increasingly a headache, because there are more and more enemies of the free democratic basic order (FDGO).

A few examples: 24.000 right-wing extremists, 29.000 left-wing extremists, 10.800 Salafists. The spectrum is wide spread. It ranges from classical Nazis, Marxists of the old style up to foreign organisations such as the Kurdish PKK and Muslim brothers. Many of them are considered ready to use violence. In spite of these alarming Figures and findings, no one has to make to the continued existence of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Old and new rights: NPD, rich citizens, Identitarian movement

While the social climate has become since the beginning of the refugee crisis in 2015, much rougher, but the large majority is still firmly on the ground of democracy and of the basic law. However, safety authorities, such as the protection of the Constitution it is now harder to separate the wheat from the chaff. The individual environments have become more complex. This is particularly true for the right-wing political edge.

Declaration of war to the state and political opponents on the “days of the national movement” in Themar (Thuringia)

Overall, however, the scene is considered to be more dangerous than ever. Except for the anti-constitutional NPD, there are parties such as “The rights” and “The third way” and difficult to look at the end of groups like the “Identitarian movement” (IB) and “Reich citizens”. Almost all of them are nationalist-oriented, and reject immigration. “Reich citizens” and deny even the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany and to refuse any contact with the government.

At the top of the danger scale: Islamists

Meanwhile, in the Bundestag represented party is even the focus of the constitutional protection: the Alternative for Germany (AfD). It is said to have partly close contacts to the extreme environment. Also, in the left spectrum of the domestic registered secret service bridges between protest movements and extremists. The starting point can be as different topics such as environmental protection and the housing shortage, which in certain circles to radicalisation.

Watch the Video 07:35

DW-Interview with the protection of the Constitution-President Thomas Haldenwang

The biggest danger comes, however, from the religious extremism, especially of the terrorist militia “Islamic state” (IS). It operates on the Internet, intensive Propaganda, also in the German language. “And as before, called for attacks on Western targets,” says the protection of the Constitution-President Thomas Haldenwang in an Interview with Deutsche Welle. “And we know, unfortunately, plenty of Islamist and terrorist individuals, the keep track of these attack plans.”

Never before have the challenges in all the extremism and terrorism areas were so large, but one is set, assured Haldenwang. In spite of the great threat potential of the state and society are in a “excellent condition”. You just have to ensure that it will stay that way. “And the Constitution contributes to the protection of its possibilities.”

“Security laws are relatively cheap”

In the fight against extremists and terrorists turn of the century numerous laws have been tightened since the time of the year. Since the communication takes place increasingly on the Internet, calling for security agencies more access. In the extreme case, you want to hear live and see what the Suspects are up to, maybe. The Monitoring of computers, Smartphones and living rooms, civil rights activists, but much too far. Numerous actions before the Federal constitutional court were successful.

Audio listen 03:52

Bijan Moini (society for freedom rights): “It is shaken at the foundations”

The society for rights of freedom (GFF), accusing the legislator to make it often too easy. “Fears are quickly fanned and safety laws are relatively cheap,” said reason, a legal expert, Bijan Moini in the DW-interview. It was much more expensive, additional police forces set. And to adopt a lot cheaper, a law with new powers. The policy of wool to satisfy the people’s sense of security. “This is also an incentive to always go to the limits of the basic law, and sometimes beyond, there is”, writes Moini.

The protection of the Constitution wants to arrive in the “modern time”

The doctor of lawyer illustrated with an example, why he holds some of the intervention in fundamental rights is so dangerous: A protester accidentally comes in contact with someone by the police as extremists in the visor. “Immediately you apply as a contact person and can be victims of Surveillance, although they are completely Olten blameless.” All sorts of information is stored in databases. You understand the people more, says Moini. “If your car scanned license plates and faces, or passenger data automatically be evaluated.” You always put more value on it, “to predict what we are going to do next”.

With the German Constitution, this Trend from the point of view of the society for freedom rights is incompatible. It will be shaken to the foundations, says Moini. “In particular, the freedom of man, on which the basic law is based.” Security professionals, such as the protection of the Constitution, the President of Haldenwang see the nature differently. He wants to arrive in the “modern time”, “the risks for our country to ward off”. So he says in the first line of monitoring tools for the Internet.