Fear of the hospital germ Pseudomonas aeruginosa


A man died and 28 patients with the dangerous germ. Not in the hospital, but in a Cologne-based physician practice. You need to know about Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is present virtually everywhere, where it is moist.

What happened in Cologne?

28 patients of the Cologne Medical center, suffering from a bacterial infection. All the pain was due to back – such as disc herniations have been treated. An 84-year-old man died in consequence of infection – probably with the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa – multi-organ failure. Other patients treated are suffering from a meningitis, a Meningitis.

The Patients are among a total of 300 patients were injected between January and March of this year, the supply center via the injection needle, anti-inflammatories and pain killers in the spine.

In all the cases, doctors had controlled the demanding engagement with the help of a Computer tomograph. The hospital itself has shown the cases of infection at the Cologne public Prosecutor’s office.

The German society for hospital hygiene, had described the case as “most serious outbreak of this pathogen in an outpatient medical institution at all”.

What makes the matter even more complicated: There are different Pseudomonas aeruginosa variants may also react differently to antibiotics. Which of them, if any one of them is in the event of death and disease responsible, to be able to in-depth investigations of the genetic make-up of germs and the possible sources of infection, in practice, be conclusively determined.

More to bacteria: Mozambique: mass vaccination against Cholera has helped

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    Author: Fabian Schmidt

How dangerous is the germ in everyday life?

Given its frequency in the environment and the budget, Pseudomonas aeruginosa represents, for most people, not a particularly big threat. Usually the immune system copes well with him.

The pathogen caused outside of hospitals is usually less severe inflammation in the outer ear, on the cornea of the eye, or in wounds. Dangerous the bacterium, however, is in the hospital.

Where is the germ?

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is not a particularly rare bacterium. It is present virtually everywhere, where it is moist: In the earth, in lakes and rivers, in water, in the bathroom, in the sponge. Even in distilled water, Shampoos and disinfectants can reproduce the pathogen, if there is organic Material as a feed.

Also in the intestinal tract of animals and humans, the germ. In the case of food, it leads to rotting. In pipelines it is involved in the formation of Biofilm, the drain pipes are clogged.

Even in the diesel fuel or heating oil, the bacteria can thrive. In the case of seldom-used vehicles, ships, or heating systems can lead to blockages and failure of engines or burners.

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The bacteria get into the bloodstream, it can lead to life-threatening Sepsis.

How often you find him in the hospital?

The bacterium is about one-tenth of all infections with hospital germs responsible. In people with a weakened immune system it can cause inflammation of the lungs, Urinary tract and wound infections trigger.

In the worst case, it comes to a so-called blood stream infection. This Sepsis is often fatal. The germ is especially dangerous when he finds a artificial access to the body, if it arrives about by means of an injection needle into the blood through a catheter into the bladder, or by breathing tubes in the lungs.

How dangerous is Sepsis?

The Sepsis in industrialized countries, the most common preventable cause of death. In Germany alone, almost 280,000 people in the year of suffering from this bloodstream infection. Almost every fourth Patient dies. The are approximately 70,000 people.

It is assumed that one-tenth of the cases goes back to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, would be the number of bacteria killed per year in Germany approximately 7000.

How to fight the germ?

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is against some, but not immune to all antibiotics. “If there is no resistance, is suitable for the treatment […] a handful of antibiotics,” says Dr. Gerd Fätkenheuer, President of the German society for infectious diseases and Professor at the University hospital of Cologne. Whether in the Cologne case is not yet known resistance play a role, but is not clarified yet.

Nevertheless, the world is urging health organisation (WHO), governments, as well as research-based pharmaceutical company, to develop urgently new drugs against the pathogen. On a piorität list of WHO of the germ Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is adjacent to only two other agents as “critical”.

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