Battery-free pacemakers in pigs implanted


If it works, it would be a great relief for pacemaker patients, because the battery-free device refer to its energy solely from the heartbeat.

“It could be an implant for life,” said the lead author of the study, Zhou Li of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. That is the goal of all scientists who conduct research in this area. Millions of people worldwide as a result of a chronic or acute illness are in need of a pacemaker. In spite of technological progress, whose batteries are often stiff and bulky and have to be renewed, under certain circumstances, several times.

The implantable Generator, a Team of researchers from China and the United States has developed, sitting on the surface of the Heart and bends with each heartbeat. By the movement, kinetic energy is generated that drives the pacemaker.

More: The pacemaker is 60

The Swedish engineer Arne Larsson was the first Patient who got 60 years ago, a heart pacemaker

The device must be designed for the people

The researchers stressed, however, that the long-term safety and durability of the devices should be explored in more detail, before a variant for humans can be developed. .

Since the physiology of pigs is the of the people is very similar, could benefit from a day to patients with heart defects, according to the study, which was published in the journal “Nature Communications”.

Experiments with so-called “Energy harvesters” – devices that gather energy from the impulses of the body – in the last few years, however, only in the case of small animals such as rats. Now, the researchers were able, full-grown pigs a such a device.

More: cardiac pacemakers with nuclear battery?


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    Author: Brigitte Osterath